When I first moved into my apartment with two roof-top terraces facing the luscious mediterranean sun, I zealously embarked upon planting and potting life […]
May 28, 2016 by Sanja Cakeljic
One day during my adolescence I had the loving idea to feed pigeons by placing breadcrumbs on the windowsill in our hallway. To my delight […]
April 11, 2016 by Sanja Cakeljic
Sensitivity can be quite a burden in today’s world. Where the laws of matter and force rule, sensitivity seems nothing more than a weakness, […]
November 16, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Sharing is the Soul’s transfer of energy to another, loaded with the intent of its will. It occurs on four levels: the sharing of […]
November 12, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
The circuit of fertility consists of the harmonic interplay of two forces, the male and female. They each own a portion of the whole: the […]
September 1, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Self-worth is our most precarious and precious belonging. It is a measure of our power in relation to our environment, determining the degree to which our will and actions […]
August 29, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
In the cycle of Soul and Spirit, or the Soul’s fall out of and climb back into wholeness, there are three distinct milestones: the Soul’s desire […]
August 23, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Spirit enters the human energy system in the form of vital energy, flowing from the crown of the head through the spine and into […]
August 13, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Like an actor portraying more than one person in a play, Spirit switches between three different roles in its relationship to Soul. When in union, […]
August 6, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Deprivation results from the Soul’s inability to connect with Spirit for the fulfillment of desires and protection from suffering, and its consequent need for matter as a substitute power. […]
August 4, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
When asked about nobility, most people think about aristocracy. Yet nobility, a value of Spirit, does not equal social exclusivity, which is a value of […]
August 1, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Ever since Jesus Christ died on the cross, sacrifice has been touted as the way of true love and followed by billions of people in […]
July 31, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
God-ness is the consciousness of Power, resulting in and from the union with Spirit. When fallen to force, however, this consciousness disconnects from Spirit and becomes the Soul. Separated into a […]
July 31, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Desire is the most beautiful of Spirit gifts, bestowing vitality upon the Soul and serving as a guide towards fulfillment and pleasure. Yet it is […]
July 31, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Pleasure is the sweetest fruit of desire, the actual force that makes the world go round. When we experience pleasure from any act, all our senses […]
July 31, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Desire is the way Spirit guides the Soul to its purpose and potential, helping it decide which path to choose at every crossroad in life. In its […]
July 31, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
The purpose of life is to experience highest creativity and potency, be ecstatic with passion and power, and manifest an enduring and continuous fulfillment of desire at […]
May 4, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
In ancient Egyptian mythology the cat was venerated as Bastet, the goddess of protection, playfulness, grace and affection. The reason the cat was elevated […]
April 30, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
The ascension in consciousness is like climbing a set of stairs with seven steps, which the Soul traverses on its path towards wholeness. Each step […]
February 17, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Love is the power of supporting and protecting Truth, rather than, as ubiquitously assumed, the soothing of wounds and fulfilling of needs and expectations. Truth is […]
January 20, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
Souls often look at others who are successful, wealthy and powerful and feel the sting of their own shortcomings, believing that if only they too […]
January 3, 2015 by Sanja Cakeljic
During my childhood years, my father would take our family on yearly vacations from northern Germany, where we lived, to our summer house at […]
December 25, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
Potency is the Soul’s power to manifest life, wealth and abundance on Earth. For all of recorded human history, the Soul’s potency corresponded to […]
December 6, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
The other day while listening to Vivaldi’s winter allegro, a powerful sensation of delight, appreciation and gratitude swept over me, an experience so intense that it […]
November 30, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
While touring the Prado museum in Madrid some time ago, I stumbled upon a magnificent rendering of St. George slaying the Dragon by Rubens. […]
October 25, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
A friend uses us to advance his plans with disregard for our wellbeing or feelings; a sibling only calls when in need of a […]
October 19, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
Spirit is a single entity, much like the sea, but the infusion of all life-forms by its drops creates the appearance of individual and separate Souls, […]
April 15, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
The Wealth mosaic is in the form of a green and black leaf, and with snake-like patterns and eyes. It combines the three symbols of […]
March 27, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
Abundance arises when the Soul connects to Spirit and expresses its potential by bringing forth original impulses, new life, creative solutions, innovations and beauty. It comes […]
February 28, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
The birth of the new age movement has seen a wave of humanity turn inwards in search for fulfillment via Spirit. This desire of the […]
February 20, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
Wholeness is the level of Soul’s consciousness at which Spirit, or vital energy, flows abundantly through the Soul, bringing incessant pleasure, joy and fulfillment. It represents […]
January 26, 2014 by Sanja Cakeljic
In its religious sense, purification means the atonement of sins via pain and suffering. While this is not wrong, it is not the enlightened […]
December 17, 2013 by Sanja Cakeljic
I remember back when I was creating this mosaic mural how I overestimated my grout-cleaning speed, helplessly letting grout just sit on the glass and cure […]
November 11, 2013 by Sanja Cakeljic
This angel is clad in nature in the same way that Spirit is clad in matter, by virtue of which it infuses it with life. Spirit […]
June 6, 2013 by Sanja Cakeljic
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident” – Arthur Schopenhauer. […]
April 1, 2013 by Sanja Cakeljic
I once watched a documentary about lions and tigers, trying to ascertain who is stronger when pitched against the other. It turned out that the tiger […]
March 22, 2013 by Sanja Cakeljic
Some time ago, Spirit had me watch a series of sermons by a christian pastor on the internet. At first I thought it was for […]
January 3, 2013 by Sanja Cakeljic
The definition of futility is the engagement in an action with pointless, or useless, results. Such is, for instance, the hamster’s running the wheel, mistaking its […]
December 20, 2012 by Sanja Cakeljic
The Tree of Knowledge stands beside the Tree of Life in the garden of Eden, off-limits to all who do not want to die. This […]
December 8, 2012 by Sanja Cakeljic
I recently had a dream in which I attempted to steal money from an unknown colleagues’ purse and got caught by another colleague. I […]
January 10, 2012 by Sanja Cakeljic
Karma, also known as the power of manifestation, is Spirit’s law of preserving and increasing life, or the level of wholeness, in all living organisms. It […]
December 29, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
My friend Haru, a classical violinist, once told me how he sacrificed much of his youth’s pleasures in full commitment to his music. Yet he showed no regret, as […]
December 28, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
Life comes about when Spirit, the creative vibration of feelings, and God, the manifesting power of will, unite in fertility. The union is expressed and materialized in […]
December 21, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
The disconnect between Spirit and Soul occurs when the Soul reacts to Spirit in a forceful and unloving way, e.g. by depriving it of love, Truth or […]
December 15, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
Reactivity is an act of force performed upon another in the effort to soothe a feeling of impotence, restore a sense of power, and right […]
December 15, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
Applied in its full version for bodies in motion, Einstein’s famous relativity equation e=mc2 maintains that energy, or the power to manifest, results from the combined […]
December 7, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
Reception is the Soul’s power of appreciating, protecting and loving Spirit, by virtue of which it becomes fertile. It is this power that distinguishes the Holy Grail […]
December 7, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
Whenever I dance and sing, I light up like a plugged-in Christmas tree, full of life and passion and love, igniting everyone in my vicinity […]
December 3, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
Manifestation is the result of will and action applied towards the realization of a desire. In this mosaic, manifestation is represented by the green colors […]
December 2, 2011 by Sanja Cakeljic
Souls eternally move through the circle of separation from Spirit and its three stages of infertility. Whenever a Soul returns to the exact point […]