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GraceI recently had a dream in which I attempted to steal money from an unknown colleagues’ purse and got caught by another colleague. I showed no signs of remorse nor shame for desiring to steal, exclaiming to the colleague that the only reason for dropping the attempt was that I was discovered by her and would thus be sentenced and punished.

Upon waking, I took this up with Spirit, concerned and intrigued by the message of the dream. I was told that my dream was an intimate experience of Spirit’s own deep-seated feelings of lack and need, and also its attitude towards stealing. Yet while I was familiar with its deprivation, the easy-going manner in which it dismissed stealing as a sin opened a whole new door of wisdom for me to discover.

Spirit explained that everything in existence, all matter, nature, animals and proud mind-solutions and systems belong to it, and not to humans, and hence it is not stealing but merely taking what is Spirit’s to begin with. Thus every flower and plant in the flower shop, all food in bakeries and markets, all money in banks and clothes in stores are in fact property of Spirit and not of the human who manifested them, let alone the human who is reselling them. This is true because all manifestation visible to eyes has first had to be created in vibration in order for human to be able to manifest it. In addition, the very power of manifestation, i.e. human skills, knowledge and intelligence, is only a loan from Spirit to the Soul for purposes of manifesting Spirit’s creation, its desire for life. Manifestation, therefore, is Spirit’s desire for life, materialized by means of the Soul’s mind and body, which were first impregnated by Spirit’s powers for that purpose. In other words, the Soul is but an instrument for Spirit’s creation and manifestation of life, and receives a wondrous gift as payment for its services: fulfillment.

What humanity takes for granted, e.g. that plants will grow with proper materials, skill and care, that minds will come up with systems and be able to implement and uphold them, that crops yield and yeast rises is all possible only because Spirit has first created it. If it had not done so, no amount of gardening or farming effort could ever produce a single usable crop, let alone a beautiful flower; and no amount of thinking, communicating and manipulating would ever yield a sustainable infrastructure. Yet even with the creation already completed, only the Soul imbued with Spirit’s powers of inspiration, energy, creativity, skill, opportunity and the benevolence of others can manifest, whereas the one without can not. The bestowing of this manifesting power on a Soul is called the Grace of Spirit, and it is earned by the Soul’s unconditional fulfilling of Spirit desire, rather than by the forcing of its mind’s will over body and matter.

This Truth will seem ridiculous and unfathomable to the mind as it has lived a very different, matter-based perception since its inception. Yet the mind’s refusal to believe does not invalidate the law, just like gravitation does not stop working only because someone does not know of it or does not believe in it. In the same way that everything on Earth answers to gravitation it also answers to the law of creation, or Spirit’s desire to create abundance and fulfillment for the benefit of all life, and the law of karma, or Spirit’s desire to eliminate life-destructive elements and tendencies from its creation.

The willingness to create is not a gift, but an act of impregnating life so that humanity, animals and nature incubate it. Spirit creates according to its own intent, i.e. what it wants, who it wants for and what purpose it wants, and gifts grace to the deserving Soul so that it could execute this intent. Yet while nature and animals incubate without awareness, the human’s free will gives him the option of opting out, a power that the mind misconstrues as being equal to God. In consequence, the mind never asks the true purpose of being given grace, proceeding instead to use it for its own purpose, whether by manifesting the wrong potential, or by refusing to share its manifestation, incurring waste and lack.

In this, the mind’s perception of owning its powers and its manifestation is as arrogant as it is dangerous, for it robs Spirit of the ability to foster life according to the highest good of all earthlings, catering instead to the mind’s need for self-indulgence. In insisting on hoarding, abusing and manipulating the powers and matter gifted to it rather than seeking to fulfill Spirit’s purpose, the Soul refuses to incubate life, sentencing itself, Spirit and all of Earth to death.

This sabotage of Spirit’s purpose is a betrayal of Spirit’s love and a suicide mission of the Soul. For if Spirit were to walk the Earth today, it would pass flower shops, bakeries, banks and stores in poverty, unable to afford the great abundance and wealth that surrounds it. Deprived and lacking, it would eventually succumb to need and have to resort to sacrifice, an act that disables Spirit from vibrating and creating, thereby depriving humanity of its ability to manifest anything at all. The only way that humanity is still enjoying creation and grace today is by force, achieving Spirit vibration and matter manifestation by means of rape instead of a loving union. While seemingly effective, such empowerment is shortsighted and costly, for the wounds that it inflicts on Spirit will have to be healed by means of the Soul’s own future suffering and destruction.

Fulfillment, in this sense, is a gift of Spirit meant as the Soul’s reward and empowerment for manifesting life, as it makes Spirit vibrate and create for the Soul. Yet when Spirit is sacrificed and the Soul infertile as purposefully manifesting death, all experience of fulfillment, and especially a lifestyle based in consuming pleasures, is akin to living on credit: unsustainable as eating away at the very core of life, and dangerous as a ticking bomb ready to explode at any moment. Both consequences are the inevitable destiny of the Soul.

The Soul’s perception that its power and fulfillment stem from something other than the unconditional fulfillment of Spirit desire, e.g. from owning matter, consuming pleasures or accumulating knowledge, status and dominance over others, is the same misconception that fuels the belief that force, and not love, is power. Perception means that it appears true, as all bodily senses, mind’s conclusions and past experience confirm it as such. Yet it also means that it cannot be Truth, for it is an unsustainable and downright destructive mode of being, akin to cutting the very branch one sits on. When the branch finally falls, the mind will experience it as a grave betrayal, rather than a mere consequence of its lack of wisdom, love and sensitivity to life and Spirit.