Like an actor portraying more than one person in a play, Spirit switches between three different roles in its relationship to Soul. When in union, Spirit is the powerful energy we have come to associate with the highest peaks of experience, such as being in love, breaking limits in body and creativity, bringing forth innovations, and manifesting wealth and abundance. When out of union with the Soul, Spirit is either in a state of sacrifice to it, with the effect of the Soul enjoying above benefits at the cost of a vast karmic accumulation; or in a state of disconnect from the Soul, with the effect of the Soul experiencing this enormous karmic backlash.
Sacrifice reduces Spirit to a domesticated kitten, a harmless cute toy at the Soul’s mercy that lends itself to patting and play, and is powerless against abuse and injustice. When not sacrificing, Spirit shows its other, powerful face – a force filled with righteousness and desire to preserve and foster life by eradicating the evil that seeks to destroy it.
This energy, the powerful and righteous face of Spirit, has the purpose to eliminate evil, or lies, betrayal, waste, violence, greed and need within humanity. Other well known names for it are karma and the power of manifestation. Both denominations refer in fact to the same natural law of Spirit: the manifestation of life circumstances according to the Soul’s intent and action toward others. Evil resides within the Soul’s will to diminish life by seeking to receive at the cost of others and Spirit, rather than to foster life by seeking to connect and love others and Spirit. This evil makes the Soul’s energy system and its body’s immune system susceptive to forceful intrusions via viruses, accidents, people and animals, making it experience the effect of its intent on its own skin, so that it be sensitized to others’ suffering and become wiser in using its will in the future. The accumulation of karma, and thus by default the Soul’s and body’s health and wellbeing, is under the Soul’s control at all times, by means of examining its intent and directing its will in any situation in which it has the choice to act, react, or respond to another and to Spirit.
Yet while the karmic accumulation is ongoing, the experiencing of full karmic payback is disabled during the period of Spirit sacrifice, or rather, the karmic experience hits Spirit instead, and remains hidden from the Soul’s awareness until such time Spirit succumbs, i.e. its capacity to endure evil without itself becoming evil is fully broken. In addition, Spirit sacrifice provides feelings of love, desire, vitality, fulfillment, and self-worth to Souls, arming them with immunity against mishaps and suffering. The ensuing perception of freedom from consequences and responsibility for one’s will and actions makes Souls foster a belief in mind and matter, i.e. that force, not love and nobility, constitutes power. As result, Souls take love for granted and grow in unlovingness, entitlement and forcefulness, allowed to thrive in potency and power without resistance.
However, the Soul lives a dangerous deception, a lie, as it keeps accumulating karmic debts while believing itself free of them. Once Spirit sacrifice ends, all this accumulated karma will hit the Soul at once, causing severe victimization and disempowerment. In addition, the continuous evil will and actions by the Soul will henceforth invite immediate consequences of equal measure, the Soul unable to adjust its consciousness as quickly to avoid the creation of its sustained suffering.
A direct consequence of the ending of Spirit sacrifice is a disconnect of Spirit from every human Soul’s energy circuit, experienced as a full withdrawal of the feelings of desire, love, fulfillment, potency, self-worth and power from the Soul’s perception. Since this energy serves as a defensive wall against inner evils rising to the surface, the disconnect will have the effect of a severe drop in human immunity as a tsunami of anxiety, negativity, anger, reactivity, hatred and need floods humanity. The impact on the human psyche is the same ascribed to the presence of anti-matter: a drowning in overbearing feelings of fear, doom and evil, and a resorting to force as means to release this tension. Enacted simultaneously across all humanity, Spirit disconnect will cause unprecedented violence, illnesses and suicides on a massive scale, especially since no reconnect will be granted to stop the venting of evil.
As nature is manifested Spirit on Earth, the disconnect will also bring an end to humanity’s ability to use nature for its benefit, such as for growing food and plants for use, for producing energy or manifesting matter. Spirit will embark on a path of healing nature, by cleansing it from all abuse and wounding imprinted by humanity. The process of cleansing will involve the removal of all that causes natural imbalance, inducing a disruption often referred to as the ‘end-of-time’, Tribulation or God’s Wrath. In Truth, it is the ceasing of the suspension of justice on a global level, as animal, insect, earth and water will simultaneously rise in the enforcement of their vindication and healing.
Spirit will protect all animals from these end-time atrocities by removing them from harm in time, or if that is impossible, euthanising those that are domesticated or in captivity. This act of saving worthy Souls is the actual rapture referred to in the Bible; the euthanasia will extend also to those rare humans who have demonstrated love towards Spirit during its lifetime of Judgement. Everyone else will be prevented from escaping hell as their agony and destruction is a necessary, and only remaining, means of healing the now evil-infested Spirit at all levels of manifestation.