Karma, also known as the power of manifestation, is Spirit’s law of preserving and increasing life, or the level of wholeness, in all living organisms. It is self-regulatory as it seeks to expand high level vibration and eradicate lower level, denser, vibration. As a law of consciousness, it stipulates that all consciousness that is life-increasing is to be rewarded and boosted, while that which is life-diminishing is to be eliminated from the system.
Within bodies this law governs the immune system in its mission against life-threatening diseases, and the hypothalamus in regulating the body’s survival responses in general. Within the mind it governs intent and action aimed at self and at others, as they are a measure of the human will and the instrument of its manifestation.
In the case of a life-affirming action, the Soul receives a bit of credit in Spirit’s book, entitling it to Spirit love or what is commonly called synchronicity, good luck, wisdom, power and vitality, all serving the Soul’s protection from evil. Given its ignorance of all evil scenarios that would potentially affect it, the Soul’s expectation of this credit is always the fulfillment of desire, and it invariably fails to appreciate the absence of suffering, taking it for granted. However, the power to create fulfillment is given only at the highest consciousness level of union with Spirit. All levels below receive what Spirit desires for them according to their potential, and while it may well be that Spirit desires what the Soul desires, it is not always so: Spirit might desire the Soul to grow in consciousness by experiencing lack, while such circumstances would certainly not be on the Soul’s wish list.
In case of a life-diminishing action, the Soul accrues karma that it perceives as negative. Negative karma works by means of energetic imprints, called attractor fields, that form around the perpetrator at the moment of his life-diminishing action, inviting a corrective and life-protective measure in return. The attractor field stipulates a future reliving of one’s intent and action as victim, until awareness of the other’s pain has been reached and the life-threatening tendency within extinguished.
While it is commonly accepted that ‘what goes around comes around’, i.e. that the perpetrator is to suffer equally as victim for learning purposes, it is not known that a corresponding field of victimization lashes itself onto the victim and keeps attracting the same experience indefinitely. Victimization fields are in fact perceptions of impotence, infertility or betrayal that nest within the mind following a karmic closure attack. The Soul keeps bringing these perceptions into all its incarnations at the time of birth, in the form of fears and needs that act as subconscious determinants of its will, self-worth, limitations and manifestations. Left unexamined by the mind they repeatedly drive the Soul to kill life, prompting the karmic forces into self-healing action. The killing of life by the needy Soul surfaces into its experience in the form of evil, i.e. cruelty, accidents and failures, as consciousness is asking to be healed.
Its healing, and thus the freeing of the Soul from attracting perpetual suffering, can only occur by the mind’s voluntary purification of evil, by means of which it learns the Truth of its responsibility, releases victimization and changes its hue from need to love. Since voluntary purification requires great levels of power and nobility rarely present in a human Soul, Spirit is regularly killed for the easing of Soul’s pains, as demonstrated by the events of Jesus’ crucifixion as well as Spirit’s own incarnation in modern times. Yet this power-by-force comes at a great cost for the Soul, as the karmic healing of life under this scenario must necessarily occur via the Soul’s full destruction, instead of its ascension in consciousness. The Holy Spirit’s experience of evil during its incarnation is the basis for this destruction, as the woundings it endures from humanity are acts of karmic manifestation and thus a statement of their self-judgement.
While most people regard the violation of matter and body by other humans as victimization, few are aware that also accidents, illnesses, sensory irritations and animal attacks are part of karmic closures. All body and mind declivity, be it aging, breaking, diseases, bacteria, viruses, and animal and insect bites are part of the system of consciousness that is auto-corrective, cleansing itself from life-destructive energies. The reason all the above can serve as karmic tools is that the attractor field requires the experiencing of the same kind of suffering at the level of feelings, not necessarily the exact experience at the level of body. For example an insect sting or kitchen knife cut causes an emotional incision pain akin to a harsh word, judgement or criticism, and serves just as well as karmic closure and a teacher for the Soul, provided the Soul seeks wisdom about the act.
In terms of God’s Judgement, the stipulation that the Soul experience the same level of suffering as Spirit has during its lifetime of redemption is a heavy karmic load indeed. For Spirit, even when in human form, exists at highest levels of sensitivity and vibration, reacting to the subtlest energies from others. In order for the Soul to suffer at the same level as Spirit, it will need to undergo a much more forceful experience than Spirit originally has, due to its much lower levels of sensitivity. The same principle applies in the karmic manifestation between all beings of different vibration levels: what crushes a sensitive young child’s self-esteem might just be a thoughtless remark by an adult, but will require a devastating blow to the adult’s self-worth in very physical terms in the future.