The birth of the new age movement has seen a wave of humanity turn inwards in search for fulfillment via Spirit. This desire of the Soul to receive love has given rise to spiritualism, in which many a Soul has found solace. Some arrived desiring purpose, others to find a community, third to acquire power, and some to heal: to find out, once and for all, the true meaning behind their throbbing wounds.
This last one, the seeker of Truth, can be recognized by the willingness to drop all prior beliefs, experience, knowledge, preconceived notions and family customs, and accept Truth in whichever form it might appear. He is not seeking dogma nor power, but an explanation for the pain of injustice that life has provided him. The burning thirst for Truth leads such seeker from one source of wisdom to another, at first thrilled with discovery, then sobered by the realization that this, too, is not the whole explanation, and does not mend the pain fully. And off to a new source, gradually traversing what turns out to be as much a path of discovery as a path of elimination.
For while the seeker is fulfilled by the discovery of universal Truths and Spirit laws, he fails to notice the impact of elimination, the shadow side of discovery. When he realizes that lying is the source of low self-worth, he will eliminate lying and thus likely the majority of relationships from his life. Or when he discovers that only meaningful engagement brings true fulfillment, he will inevitably spurn transient gratifications like partying or travel, as well as ego-boosting activities such as acquiring matter and status, thereby eliminating much power and pleasure from his life and killing his desire to engage all together. Thus each discovery of Truth brings about the eradication of perceptions within and a corresponding sacrifice of the seeker’s present life expression, buoyancy and power, until the Truth-faithful seeker remains pure and lifeless in equal measure.
At the end of this path comes a moment when the seeker discovers the final and shocking Truth: the very vibration he has so zealously sacrificed on his quest for healing is in fact the only force able to heal him, for while the purity of mind has brought him stoic power, it has also eliminated all reason to be alive. The Soul’s wholeness is its highest level of Spirit expression i.e. the level at which its vital energies flow at highest frequency. Spirit expression happens on several levels: through body, via sensuality and pleasure; through feelings, via creativity, lovingness and appreciation; through the mind, via manifestation, knowledge and discovery; and through Spirit, via meaning and fulfillment. The seeker, however, having sacrificed his life force, power and body in exchange for Truth now finds himself dead in vibration, lacking energy, desire and opportunity for recovery. Like a bedridden patient, he is unable to step up to this way of healing, and realizes that he has committed suicide: the very purpose he thought would heal him appears to have instead killed him. The ensuing perception of betrayal is so utterly devastating that the seeker gives up the will to live.
Yet this surrender is ill-advised, for the suicide was unavoidable. While there is only one channel of energy that feeds all levels of life expression within the Soul, there are two sources of power for this energy: that of love from above, and that of its absence, evil, from below. The love energy will feed all levels including Spirit, but evil energy only reaches to the level of mind, leaving the 7th chakra of Spirit disconnected. Lacking this connection, Souls who feed on evil will appear to express life fully, yet will do so only by means of sacrificing Spirit’s fulfillment, i.e. at the cost of Spirit deprivation.
The vitality they display is not based in the fertile creation of life, but in using Spirit’s gifts for the purpose of amassing and consuming pleasure, power and matter. Such vitality is not life-supporting but rather life-killing, akin to living on debt. As long as any aspect of life is based in evil, the Soul cannot heal: the seeker, therefore, has had to eliminate all this evil ‘life’ to cleanse his channel and prepare it for Spirit to enter. For this reason the seeker is held in highest esteem by Spirit, as the only Soul who chose to sacrifice itself for the sake of Spirit rather than sacrifice Spirit for its own benefit. In his nobility, great love for Spirit, unwavering power and uncompromising search for Truth, the seeker is a warrior of light against evil, i.e. against inner unlovingness, need, fear and force.
In contrast, all non-seeking Souls exist within a perception of potency and thus feel no need for healing. They seek not Truth, but only vitality and vibrations based on evil: they pursue power, pleasure and service from others, suffering no elimination of life and remaining effervescent and arrogant in their expression, made possible only by their continuous sacrifice of Spirit. Such Souls are quite content being incubators and perpetrators of evil, feeding on others to boost themselves while refusing to take responsibility for Spirit. History has witnessed a plethora of examples for such attitude in the form of the abuse of humans, animals and natural resources for pleasure and enrichment.
By hosting evil, the non-seeking Soul becomes a killer of life rather than an instrument of its manifestation. Yet by fighting evil, the seeker deprives himself of vitality and vibration, and thus while pure in intention, becomes impotent in his power to express and manifest life. Both Souls, the killer and the seeker, leave Spirit fully thwarted in its effort to create life, representing an utter waste of potential, akin to rain falling on asphalt. Faced with such waste, Spirit has only one solution: reward the seeker for his valor, endurance and love by healing his impotence and enabling his full reception and expression; and disconnect from the killer, thereby delivering him to the Truth of his evil manifestation.