The purpose of life is to experience highest creativity and potency, be ecstatic with passion and power, and manifest an enduring and continuous fulfillment of desire at highest levels of pleasure and vibration via body, feelings and mind. This is the state of Soul’s union with Spirit.
Failing that, the Soul’s purpose and sole pursuit in life becomes the attainment of such level of existence by means of seeking wisdom about the connection to and reception of Spirit. The entirety of a Soul’s experience in any given lifetime becomes a necessary setting for this ascension in consciousness.
The experience of ascension is not for the light-hearted, and can be summarized in the well-known sentiment ‘life sucks’. As it is meant to. For a Soul learns only by experiencing all things it does not want, for the purpose of eliminating such striving from its will and enabling it to choose wisely next time it stands at crossroads between what is right and what is easy. Ascension comes at a high cost to vitality, as most learning experiences necessarily include lack, wounding, victimization, failure, betrayal and pain in various forms.
When undergoing such tribulations, the Soul invariably resorts to force as means to mend its feelings of impotence and soothe its lack. Forcing disconnects the Soul from Spirit and thereby blocks the Soul’s ascension, as it constitutes a rejection of the wisdom conveyed by the feelings of suffering. Under Spirit law, such disconnect would have as consequence an immediate and full withdrawal of life-force from the Soul’s energy system, implying a depletion of all good feelings, desire and energy for engagement, and plunging the Soul into depression in an effort to purify its will to force and return it to ascension. Yet Spirit law has been weakened ever since humanity nailed God to the cross, in the form of Spirit being forced to reconnect to the Soul immediately following its forceful act, omitting thus the purification of evil and thereby the option for ascension all together. In consequence, such forced reconnect will occur at a necessarily lower consciousness level, i.e. at the cost of the Soul’s sensitivity, nobility and integrity.
The dipping into evil lends an immediate increase in levels of knowledge, creativity, power, success, vibration, vitality and expression to the Soul, received in exchange for its sacrifice of consciousness. Yet force, sought out as a viagra pill for the weak and greedy Soul, is deceptive as demanding ever greater sacrifice of love and integrity to keep this power boost coming. Spirit sacrifice at its most benign stage involves a giving up on potential or forcing others to do the same in favour of one’s own comfort, power and fulfillment; at its worst, the killing of life for a ‘higher’ purpose. The animal and human sacrifice rituals of cults and secret organizations, the poaching of wildlife for enrichment, the murders during wars and aggressions, and the rape of animals and nature for the mind’s scientific hedonism all serve as testimony to the Soul’s complete surrender of love to evil.
In fact, all earthly wealth and power of a Soul is always a testimony to and measure of its sacrifice of consciousness, integrity, others and Earth to their cravings, and not, as often assumed, any innate superior qualities. Their existence comes at a heavy price for Spirit, for evil Souls are firmly entrenched in entitlement and arrogance and push their need fulfillment into extreme, endangering the survival of the planet. Despite all their earthly power, however, their path is one of suicide, for their gluttony will eventually extinguish Spirit’s ability to reconnect, lest it sacrifices life itself; at the present level of Earth’s desolation such sacrifice would imply the end of all life on Earth, akin to the surrendering of body to cancer.
Yet life cannot be allowed to die: when forced to choose between life and Soul, Spirit will choose life, even if it necessitates the destruction of the Soul. The salvation of life is effected by means of an incarnation in human form of God and Spirit, or divine male and female, who reunite in a circuit of fertility, ending thereby the availability of evil, or Spirit sacrifice, as a source of power for the Soul. This will change the very laws of nature that humanity has come to rely on. In scientific terms, the famous e=mc2 formula that equated energy with matter and force will cease to adequately describe the workings of the universe, for matter will henceforth be moved and formed not by powering mass, but by the quality of intent behind the desire for manifestation.
The change will be quite unexpected despite ample warnings given by various end-time prophesies, and will bring about a global turmoil of such dimensions as to account for the denomination of God’s Wrath. Yet a more accurate description is Life saving itself from annihilation.