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Compassion This angel is clad in nature in the same way that Spirit is clad in matter, by virtue of which it infuses it with life. Spirit is like a young child living in its own world of sensitivities, discovery, beauty and love, its experience a channel for inspiration and imagination to the Soul.

Spirit gives us ideas and creativity, but only the Soul can work within the vibrations of power and manifest these gifts into matter. As long as Spirit is protected by the Soul from the lower vibrational densities of power and allowed to live in the vibrational heights of its loving ethereal being, it is happy and procuring a continuous flow of effervescence, inspiration, desire, ideas, meaning, discoveries and fulfillment. In that sense, the relationship between Spirit and Soul is the same as that of child and parent, the child sharing itself as result of being loved, and the parent loving the child unconditionally, and deriving great fulfillment from it.

However, when this love is not unconditional, when Spirit is used by the Soul for any purpose of its own e.g. to procure power, fight off fears, or worse satisfy needs and cravings, Spirit becomes encumbered by low-vibrational shadows that it is not equipped to deal with, succumbing to anxiety and perceptions of incompetence, and serving the Soul as a result of force, rather than gifting the Soul as a result of love.

This is exactly like forcing a toddler to win contests or do house chores to earn her parents’ love. Such forceful attitude would make the child lose her spontaneous self-expression and her self-worth, as her perception of unworthiness would make her needy for the approval of others throughout her life. It would bring a nuance of fear and sacrifice to all her actions as she would measure them in terms of ensuring safety and love, rather than reaching potential. This breaking of Spirit can be likened to the breaking of legs or wings, rendering the person disabled from walking, and Spirit from flying, for life. And even though some Souls practice force self-restriction as a more loving version of being, it often results only in the dismantling of the Soul’s own power, rendering Spirit unprotected from others’ force. Like a child living with powerless, needy or fearful parents, Spirit is in danger of being sold to, mistreated and abused.

When the abuse from own or other parents overfills the cup, the child runs. And so does Spirit.

This temporary disconnect of Spirit from the Soul is a necessary act of preservation of the Soul. While the effect on both is suffering – lack and deprivation for Spirit, and meaninglessness and impotence for Soul – the alternative, namely sacrificing to keep a bad relationship, implies the Soul’s accelerated degeneration into evil. As Spirit is consciousness, or love within the human system, its sacrifice, or keeping the connection against desire, brings about a gradual but continuous loss of the Soul’s appreciation for Spirit. This will cause the Soul to treat Spirit with increasing force and disdain, and thereby manifest for itself a karmic future that it will hardly be able to survive.

When in forced sacrifice, Spirit’s value to the Soul will eventually drop to that of matter, i.e. intrinsically unworthy. Then, the Soul will cast its final blow to Spirit via one of three mortal sins, the killing, betrayal or rejection of Spirit, enacted either out of great arrogance, such as judging Spirit useless for one’s goals, or out of great evil, for the purpose of relieving one’s feelings by means of defiling Spirit. Both intents invariably result in souldeath.

While every Soul experiences life challenges, they all serve the purpose of spurring the Soul to grow into power. Dead souls, in contrast, continue to incarnate only for the purpose of suffering the results of their sins, and when that is completed, for healing others by means of being their pin-cushion. To envision what this might feel like to a Soul, imagine being continuously victimized in a really torturous situation, with no way out, no power to help yourself nor end the torment; living for the purpose of suffering for no apparent reason; and nothing to hope for or look forward to, other than the extinguishing of your existence. All in all, a set of lifetimes within the likes of war concentration camps.

In the hope to prevent souldeath, Spirit rather disconnects temporarily, and pushes the Soul (and self) into a purifying experience so that the Soul regains its appreciation for Spirit and learns to protect it. This is akin to putting a dirty sweater through the washing machine so that it can be worn again rather than thrown away. These temporary disconnects and ensuing suffering are acts of compassion of Spirit in its love for the Soul, as also Spirit endures deprivation during this time of disconnect.

It is fair to say that all human experience of suffering, with the exception of dead Souls, stems from this act of love and compassion of Spirit, and is not, as often assumed, a sign of bad luck or God’s punishment.