Manifestation is the result of will and action applied towards the realization of a desire. In this mosaic, manifestation is represented by the green colors at the bottom, while the initiating desire is captured in the fiery colors at the top. There is a gold-beige belt in between those two, symbolic of the power necessary to fire up the action and not sabotage it with needs, doubts or insecurities.
Examples of manifestation are all things that support life: schools, housing, clothing, food, medical solutions and materials for it all. The process of manifestation must, in order to be life supporting, always end in green, i.e. be the result of a desire to share solutions for the benefit of Spirit.
However, not all processes of manifestation actually end in green. In today’s society, many engagement we have come to regard as life necessities are in fact not life supporting but life killing, results of cutting the manifestation process at the level of gold-beige, the level of power, and thereby rendering it infertile. Examples of such cut-offs are power sources lacking sustainability, financial tools devoid of connection to matter, employments without fulfillment, and imposed standards of worthiness. Such services are a product of the desire for power, rather than the desire to manifest abundance and to nurture and grow life.
To further exemplify the difference between the two imagine a water pipe, a sole channel of water supply for a town, in the ownership of a single individual. Following a desire to foster life and abundance, this individual will work on widening the pipe, cleaning and maintaining it, as well as branching it out to connect to bigger pipes with neighbouring towns. The result of such action is more water available in higher supply and purity level to more people. This affluence of water might spur on ideas for other types of drinks or create parks and pools for the town, creating an abundance in new business and a loving, thriving, happy community.
In contrast, an individual with a need to accumulate power, rather than manifest benefit, would work on splitting the water pipe: a third of it for water, a third for an alternative drink and the last third for alcohol, for example. This action will have accrued tremendous power to the individual, first in the form of reducing the town’s water supply, thereby inducing scarcity and increasing prices; second, by forcing drink options via offering bundled products; and third, by presenting the resulting service as an expression of progress and a higher life standard. The true result of such action, however, is water scarcity, imposed mainstream taste parameters, and coerced demand. Not to mention a water, pool and park deprived community.
The deciding factor in whether manifestation will run its full course and be life supporting, or else cut off at the force level and be life killing is the level of consciousness, or love, in the Soul followed by an act of will. Together, love and will determine whether our action manifests needs and fears, or life and abundance into our lives and that of our communities. Are we building relationships with people because of their connections, power, convenience (need), or out of appreciation for their Spirit (life)? Are we helping out of a sense of duty and gain (fear and need), or joy of enabling another (life)? Are we taking employment for the sake of security, paycheck or profit (need and fear), or with the aim to explore our true passion and potential (life)?
The opportunities to choose between death and life are endless, and there is not one Soul who has not cut off a process of manifestation somewhere in its life, by seeking power or soothing fears rather than loving Spirit and manifesting abundance. Yet every cut-off is killing love and growth in that very same area, gradually and almost imperceptibly, akin to dripping water eroding rock. The tipping point will then arrive like a major tsunami or earthquake, rocking the Soul’s world to the core and delivering the final blow to the skeletal remains of what used to be a healthy, thriving entity.