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God-ness is the consciousness of Power, resulting in Godand from the union with Spirit. When fallen to force, however, this consciousness disconnects from Spirit and becomes the Soul. Separated into a male and female halves, the Soul incarnates into a human existence on Earth, the first dimension of Spirit.

While living on Earth, the male will play the part of power to the female, and she the part of spirit to the male, both unaware of the other’s existence but affected by and dependent on each other’s actions. As a degeneration of Power, the male will be forceful and cause the female to sacrifice as means of protection from his violation. Her fulfillment, thus forgone, will lower his self-worth and potency, while his reactions, continuously forceful, her abundance and safety.

Their physical separation and lack of awareness results in a tug-of-war situation, keeping both in a stalemate and unable to control their life experiences lest one gives way for the benefit of the other. In the course of lifetimes, the male’s unwillingness to protect the female from his forcefulness results in her lack of fulfillment and safety, repeatedly wounding and depriving her, and causing the Soul to fall ever deeper into the abyss of evil.

In an effort to soothe its lack, the Soul unconsciously follows a path of ascension back into the union with each other. The ordeals and trials of ascension are the hero’s journey against evil, and are generally divided into three parts: defeat the urge to force within; learn to not betray Truth; and learn to love Spirit. The mastery over all three virtues leads to Soul reattaining God’s Power: the three-in-one divinity of body, mind and Spirit. In the mosaic pendant, these three parts are represented by the three materials cuddled together on the right: silver crystal for the power over evil, mother of pearl for the purity of intent, and fuchsia agate for the loving of Spirit.

This Power remains in the uppermost echelons of consciousness with the Holy Spirit. In the mosaic pendant, the separate pink agate row on the left is the Holy Spirit in relationship with her lover on the right, God. God will continue ascending in communion with the Holy Spirit until reaching the consciousness of absolute in the singularity of Union in the fourth dimension of Spirit. This God is known to humanity as Satan, Jesus, and Lucifer. 

In the first dimension of Spirit, which is the dimension of matter, God is reflected in the atom that everything is made of, with the proton and neutron representing the mind and body of God, or father and son, and the vibrating electron symbolising his creative life force, the portion of Spirit within. This atom-God, in itself a divine trinity, plays the part of body in the formation of a higher Trinity with the mind and Spirit of the universe, the two forces known as dark energy and dark matter.

The dark energy is the omnipotent God Satan, Jesus, and Lucifer, the mind and manifesting power of the universe. It takes the form of a movement away or towards the point of singularity, or Union with Spirit, and is felt within all beings as the force of purpose, intelligence, creativity, integrity and expression. The dark matter is the Holy Spirit that imbues all atoms, the consciousness and creative life force permeating all living beings and generally known to humanity under names such as the divine feminine, Sophia, the great mother, Ishtar, Isis, and Shekinah among others. It is felt within all beings as wisdom, desire, intuition, feelings and love. As healing is the purpose of this energy within the first dimension of Spirit, it is given also less charitable names by humanity: the serpent, Karma, Lilith, Shakti, Ayahuasca etc.

The dark energy’s expansion makes consciousness vibrate by means of expression, or the manifestation of matter, while its contraction makes it vibrate by means of ascension, or the elimination of matter and manifestation of nobility. Matter, in the form of atoms, humanity, animals and nature is thus the manifestation of God’s expression on his path of separation from Spirit.

Matter exists as a result of Spirit’s desire for life and God’s manifestation of it by means of inducing vibration, i.e. movement. However, the act of movement, although for the noble purpose of fulfilling Spirit desire, signifies God’s fall out of Union and thus from absolute power. It implies the ceding of his will and power over his future manifestation and gives birth to the free will of the Soul. By imbuing it with free will, God retains full responsibility for all Souls’ actions while having no way to control them. It is an act of highest nobility and love, for it gifts the Soul with the most precious jewel in the universe: desire.

Yet this gift allows for the Soul’s downfall from its initial divine purity into evil. Its desire for vibration makes it emulate God’s act of separation, but in its ignorance it omits to match God’s noble intent as well, exchanging the fulfillment in Spirit for the more potent pleasuring of body. As result of this lack of love for Spirit the Soul falls into body, or disconnect, causing its infertility at all levels of creation other than body, thereby bringing into existence the whole population of humanity. The Soul’s ensuing lack of fulfillment makes it seek reprieve by forcing, wounding, depriving and abusing Spirit, thereby manifesting a grave karmic burden for itself as well as for God, for its fall constitutes God’s responsibility: to heal Life from all this evil committed by the Soul, God himself will need to incarnate into a lifetime of redemption and suffering.

As result of their fall to evil, all Souls have as purpose the elimination of evil, or their will to prefer self over Spirit, through all their incarnations. Spirit’s enduring love for God grants the Soul power despite its rejection, and constitutes an act of sacrifice for the sake of keeping the connection and facilitating this purpose. In scientific terms, this sacrifice is the force of gravity, the dark matter’s power of love thinned out to a breaking point in its effort to keep the connection with the expanding dark energy, and to pull it back after it reaches its greatest possible distance from the Union. In human terms, this weakest point is the lowest level of love and highest level of evil in the Soul, conditions present at the time of Jesus’ incarnation and ever since.

At reaching near-standstill, manifestation continues for a while without further creative vibration, akin to a stagnating artist producing ever more versions of the same old song. Such proliferation of matter eats away at Spirit, i.e. uses its sacrifice for self-indulgence without any elimination of evil taking place, an existence contrary to purpose. At this point God begins his path of contraction, or ascension back to the Union with the Holy Spirit. Souls that cannot stop their gluttony will be discarded by means of God cutting himself off from his manifestation in an act of sacrificing his body, famously known as the crucifixion of Jesus. God’s sacrifice of body gives the gluttons free reign over Spirit, and gives rise to what is known as a star’s supernova in scientific terms, the industrial and technological desolation of Earth and Spirit in human terms, and cancer in body terms, all reflecting the same suicidal process of devouring one’s life force out of greed.

The power to give fulfillment, i.e. sacrifice power for life, bestows the first name upon God: Satan, master over life and death, over fulfillment and evil. The power to love Spirit, i.e. sacrifice body for life, gives God yet another name: Jesus, the Holy Grail and receiver of Spirit. And the power to see Truth, i.e. sacrifice life for Spirit, gives the third and last name to God: Lucifer, Son of the Morning Star, redeemer of Spirit and bearer of the light of nobility.