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Vitality Whenever I dance and sing, I light up like a plugged-in Christmas tree, full of life and passion and love, igniting everyone in my vicinity with joy and vitality. I feel then as if burning with some inner fire and given wings to fly. In such moments I am filled to the rim with the energy of Spirit.

Spirit is like an electric current flowing through our bodies: the higher the charge, the more potent and intense our expression and the brighter we shine. The intensity of our vibration is an articulation of the level of love or else the level of evil in our system, for both love and evil are sources of power for the Soul just like both dancing and opiates are sources of a “high” experience for our feelings.

Love and evil are like light and darkness, not real opposites but one defined as the absence of the other. Only light exists, while darkness is merely the complete absence of light. In the same way love exists and evil is its absence, also defined as force. As evil does not have an independent existence it also does not have an inherent power, but derives it from the devouring of love, akin to the cancerous cell depleting the healthy cell until the death of body. Our energetic charge will increase after we plug into either love or evil, yet the effect on our vitality will differ greatly between the two sources of energy: energy based on force peaks sooner and with much higher intensity than that derived from love, yet also burns vitality, or the Soul’s health and ability to survive.

Evil can be likened to non-renewable energy sources like oil, gas and coal: bestowing unprecedented levels of power, their use destroys the body – Earth – by burdening it with an exploding population, waste and toxins, while seducing humanity to abdicate its parental responsibilities in exchange for the pleasures of boundless consumption. The same renouncing of responsibility is found in addicts of all kinds who cannot resist the power and pleasure surge derived from sugar, alcohol and drugs, sexual conquests, credit-financed consumption, financial speculation, animal and human experiments, depletion of natural resources, or from engaging in force and revenge.

Love as a source of power is like sunlight, wind and water: not meant to sustain a greedy over-population, they keep life, earth and human clean from damage and waste, and are dependable as always available and self-renewable. In human terms, love is found wherever there is responsibility for the whole rather than indulgence at the cost of one part: in healthy nutrition, in the commitment to integrity and values, in the protection of life and nature, and in the cultivation and sharing of abundance.

The choice of energy source is available at every decision point in a Soul’s life: depriving vs. giving; cold-shouldering vs. helping; revenging vs. seeking Truth; using vs. caring; rejecting vs. connecting. The list is endless, as are the opportunities for plug-in, none too small or insignificant to impact the Soul’s future. The reason why anyone would choose evil over love, oil over wind, or snacks over broccoli lies in the lack of appreciation for life. The pull of power and pleasure is the sweetest and most potent tool in the devil’s arsenal, and no one is spared from lusting after it, for its capacity for fulfillment is unprecedented. Yet those who translate lust into reckless action are those who do not mind killing life for the sake of self-indulgence, whether in the form of eating animals and destroying their habitats, exploiting pension funds, preying on others for gain or fun, or playing with antimatter. Their actions inevitably conjure their own future suffering and destruction, meaning that their lack of appreciation for life is in fact an act of suicide.

Souls who refrain from indulging at the cost of others are noble heroes, yet are only able to do so at a cost to their fulfillment, which is equally unsustainable. While a sign of apparent worthiness, refraining is often an act of sacrificing desire to the upholding of righteousness, and brings about a deep experience of deprivation. In this case the first set of power and victim, namely pleasure and life, is replaced by another, that of righteousness and fulfillment; and the underlying consciousness of a lacking appreciation for life by a lacking appreciation for Spirit.

The sacrifice of Spirit in the service of righteousness means that Spirit’s expression is increasingly cut to protect the mind’s perception of power, which in the extreme leads to a complete rejection of feminine vibration and masculine potency, akin to the full-body burqa imposed on muslim women as means of guarding their men’s righteous purity. Such rejection of Spirit manifests in the form of missed potential, spiritual and religious doctrines, employment in massive corporations and production sites, and in the standardisation of beauty and art. While seemingly devoid of outright force over life, righteousness extinguishes the fire of vitality and potency in equal measure, albeit via the backdoor of oxygen-deprivation: the Soul’s prolonged deprivation causes a deep loathing of Spirit to rise within, which always leads to the sentencing, defiling and killing of all that Spirit represents: Love, Truth, desire, laughter, dancing and music, women, cats, snakes and nature.

Stuck thus between evil and lack, or the killing of life and the killing of Spirit, the Soul seems to have no safe way to fulfillment. Yet this perception is deceptive, meant to test the Soul’s level of consciousness. Once it has learned to adamantly reject both killings, its situation of seeming impossibility will cause a feeling of utter impotence as seeing no survival option. The Soul’s refusal to surrender to this feeling and yield to the mind’s need for control and safety will enable it to linger in this space of insecurity and humility, opening it to receiving wisdom from Spirit.

Wisdom does not change the Soul’s situation but its attitude to it, always bringing about a fundamental shift in the mind’s perception of its need vs. its desire. Thus whatever the mind was hitherto craving or resisting will be revealed as insignificant, easily let go of as opposed to suppressed, enabling its freeing from the pull of evil and from the situation all together. The reason for this is that fulfillment is not derived from the consumption or ownership of something, but rather from the mind’s appreciation for that thing. Thus as long as the mind’s need forces consumption against appreciation, i.e. at the cost of either life or Spirit, it will be deprived of safety by default.

The mind’s ability to resist the perception of its impotence and curb its reactivity is the Soul’s true power, namely the power to grow by receiving wisdom and experiencing fulfillment, rather than by forcing a choice and damaging body. This method of ascension is the hallmark of the second dimension of Spirit, replacing the hell of humanity’s known experience on Earth with the paradise of fertility.