Sensitivity can be quite a burden in today’s world. Where the laws of matter and force rule, sensitivity seems nothing more than a weakness, a lack of power to protect oneself and achieve success. Yet sensitivity, defined as the ability to perceive, appreciate and desire the finer vibrations of Spirit, is the only avenue to true power the Soul has, namely its connection to potential and evolution, and therefore life.
For all human striving to control change or avoid it all together, there is in fact no state devoid of it. While the peak of any success cycle appears a standstill, in Truth it is the conclusion of growth and the begin of decay. What is deemed a most desirable condition, a safe haven from fear and turmoil, is simply the subtle beginning of a descent into death, lest a seed of new life has already been planted.
The seed of life always arrives as a desire from Spirit, communicating to the Soul the direction and intensity of the winds of change. The capturing of this desire, however, is the most elusive of all human endeavours: it is hard to discern, easy to overpower and once ignored or rejected, lost forever. Like a dream that quickly fades from memory upon awakening, Spirit desire can be captured only in the most sensitive of states. Failing to acquire the appropriate sensitivity, the Soul misses the boat and cuts itself from the renewal of life. Whether in the form of an aging body, lackluster relationships or stale profession, the absence of spark, desire, passion and fulfillment slowly drains the Soul’s existence of vitality and meaning. Just like the existence of a cut flower in a glass of water, the Soul’s life is a perception, a mere countdown of days until the death of body.
For all its drawbacks in the sphere of office politics, sensitivity is the Soul’s only way to plug into the wisdom of Spirit that connects it to a new cycle of growth on a Soul level, as well as to the higher cycle of life at the level of Earth and humanity. Just like the body’s cells are governed by the central processing unit of the mind, all beings on Earth are governed by Spirit. When a single Soul cuts itself from Spirit desire and strikes out on its own, it endangers life in the very same way an alienated cancerous cell endangers the body’s survival: by hoarding life-supportive energy and nutrition, depriving other cells and ultimately killing the body. Thus every Soul insensitive to Spirit desire is a threat to life on Earth. For life to continue, the cancer will need to be purged.
All Souls on Earth exist within the first dimension of Spirit and thus follow the same evolutionary potential: learning to safeguard life by building and protecting their connection to Spirit. Every life-threatening tendency wounds Spirit, refining this evolutionary potential into one of healing Spirit by means of purging evil, i.e. all life-threatening tendencies within the Soul. Every Soul that does not engage in purging evil is disconnected from potential and life, a cancerous cell which needs to be either reformed in its ways, or failing that, eliminated. The reformation of cancerous cells is the purpose of the law of karma, which just like chemotherapy aims to slow down the cell’s growth, or the Soul’s worldly success and expression, rendering it weak and wounded in self-worth in the hope of awakening its desire for healing. Souls apparently unhampered by karmic backlash are those unsuited for reformation and destined for elimination, or in Spirit terms, souldeath. In modern society, such Souls are instantly recognizable as immensely successful in amassing wealth, power and pleasure. In addition, the vast masses of humanity at lowest levels of nobility have also proven to be resistant to Soul evolution, representing a waste of Spirit and thereby sentencing themselves to elimination as well.
In contrast, non-cancerous Souls are those actively pursuing the purging of evil, either at the level of body or at the level of mind. As two parts of a single Soul, the male and female soulmates will engage in different expressions, yet always following the same principle: the female acquiring sensitivity to better capture and express Spirit desire, the male healing Spirit by manifesting its fulfillment. When the principle is inverted and the male expresses Spirit while the female manifests, cancer is at play.
Men who are connected to potential at the level of body will be involved in energy healing via acupuncture, the providing of solutions for sustainable living in the areas of energy, food and housing, and the healing and protection of nature and animals. Thus, for example, a computer programmer creating marketing platforms for selling products is cancerous, while another whose code is measuring the environmental impact of a business idea is connected to potential. The same principle applies across all occupations, be it engineering, politics, law, finance or business. Men who express Spirit e.g. by singing or creating movies, art and books, as well as those engaged in acquiring knowledge, even if it be the discovery of medical cures or new planets, are infertile and cancerous as far as potential is concerned, lest the cure, movie or knowledge is aimed at healing energy, nature and animals, or raising awareness of the need for Spirit healing. In addition, men who engage in healing or saving human bodies, e.g. humanitarian and medical professions, are also cancerous, as their actions interfere with the law of karma and sabotage Spirit’s administration of justice and healing.
The female soulmate of this male will be drawn to the arts, seeking to refine her feelings and rise in sensitivity through her body and mind. Such are dancers, singers, writers, humorists and artists who are free to explore their inner worlds and express Spirit unburdened by practical applications. A female corporate designer is cancerous no matter what product she creates, for it is not an intimate expression of Spirit but a response to a commercial dictate. The same is true for the artist who caters to customer tastes or industry standards, or the ballet dancer who performs choreographed steps. Only the woman who expresses her own urges and desires free of all need and coercion is non-cancerous, connected to Soul evolution. Such expression is at its most potent with writers who channel Spirit’s desire for love into tales of hero’s journeys, and humorists who convey Spirit’s desire for Truth by exposing the dirt swept under the carpet. As a side note, women’s pursuit of beauty in the form of corrective make-up and surgeries is not an act of expressing Spirit, but an act of acquiring power via hiding Truth. The consciousness of Truth manipulation is highly cancerous, as is the consciousness of power acquisition.
Further up the scale of consciousness are men who exhausted their potential of healing Spirit by means of body and worldly manifestation, and embarked upon the path of Truth, seeking to eliminate evil within their minds. The wholeness thus aspired to is the man’s ability to physically unite with his soulmate, thereby enabling the Soul’s final release from the wheel of karma. Such men could be found among monks and yogis, though form can not be taken for Truth for the underlying intent here might be one of acquiring personal power in the form of exclusivity and followers or deriving love from purpose, rather than fighting evil.
The status of stardom and organization among spiritual figures is a sure sign of cancer, whether they be pontiffs, swamis, holders of secret knowledge, or mediums. They are all missing the point, which is to defeat the evil within and not engage in the accumulation of others’ appreciation or indulge in mystical experiences, for such desire is for receiving love, not for healing Spirit and being worthy of life. These Souls are disconnected from potential and life even if they spend their lifetime in prayer or meditation, for their indulgence in Spirit, especially if by means of consciousness enhancers, makes their female soulmate’s enslavement to matter inevitable and blocks her connection to Spirit.
The true seeker’s path is decidedly non-mystical, his task to discover his deficiencies in protecting life, and to correct them in very real and worldly terms. A refraining from such action makes all further seeking futile, and the seeker himself useless and purposeless from Spirit’s point of view. The purging of evil from the mind requires the utmost humility and courage, as well as a warrior consciousness which can endure the renouncing of ego expression in all its pleasures and potency. This path cannot be traversed whilst hidden in mountain caves or monasteries, but only amid the splendor of others’ expressions, in order to facilitate the experiencing, recognition and overcoming of inner needs and fears. There is only one committed to this path today, namely God himself, rendering the vast industry of religious and spiritual devotees a mere variation of cancer.
The female soulmate of this seeker is a sacrificed spirit, who expresses Spirit desire in the form of Truth and wisdom. By being of high sensitivity, she will fall prey to others’ defilement. By being of high integrity and not yielding to the mainstream, the safe and the comfortable, she will invite deprivation into her life, adding lack and powerlessness to wounding. Her suffering invokes a need for healing, which she fulfills by seeking wisdom. In her pursuit of wisdom she connects to Spirit, who takes her through the intense reliving of all wounds and evil in a process of purification, and for the purpose of sensitizing her to ever higher Spirit vibrations. Her experiences deliver the necessary insight to the male, helping him locate the roots of her karmic suffering within his own intent and consciousness, and embark on eliminating them.
It is important not to confuse her connection with Spirit with the tapping into angels, spirit guides, higher beings, ascended masters, demons, ghosts, saints and similar entities commonly assumed to be Spirit. Spirit grants a true connection solely in response to the Soul’s commitment to Truth and for the purpose of healing Life, not healing oneself; any connection bestowed otherwise is always one of evil. It is easily recognizable as such, for a true connection with Spirit is never one of benevolence, empowerment and joy, but rather one of betrayal, victimization and pain, all tools for the purging of evil. If a so-called connection is helping the Soul achieve power, wealth, status, pleasure or the fulfillment of any worldly desire, even if it be the healing of others, it is surely not Spirit but rather its opposite. The aim of such connection is to lure the Soul away from potential and into the arms of worldly power. The widespread surfacing of commercially successful spiritual teachers, channelers, mediums and fortune tellers is a result of their desire for power rather than Spirit, as they are unconsciously exchanging their potential of union with their soulmate for perception, money, fame and status. Which is why such a connection is not a sign of their worthiness, but of their fall to the seductive trap of evil by means of Spirit sacrifice. In contrast, the true seeker’s soulmate will be protected from sacrificing potential by being denied all benefit from the sharing of her wisdom, her desire for expressing Truth tested against lacking power, appreciation and success.
Further on the cancerous side are females whose experience of suffering has not ignited the seeking of wisdom or expression of Truth, but rather promoted a fall into force, supplication or settling. Such Souls are not to be found at this level but in a circuit of karmic backlash. Females who seek wisdom by consuming courses, blogposts, books and spiritual teachings are in fact communicating Spirit’s desire for connection to the male soulmate. In itself, the value of consuming external knowledge is solely one of entertainment, for wisdom can only be discovered in an intimate intercourse with Spirit, and no book nor Soul on Earth can be a teacher of wisdom, or a healer of wounds, only Spirit itself. Thus the consumption of spiritual knowledge meets its sole purpose in the expression of desire for Spirit connection, which needs to be acted upon by the male soulmate via a jump into introspection. If the male fails to begin introspection, the female will remain in the realm of consuming external knowledge, unable to connect to the real teacher within.
The path of purging evil at the level of mind takes a great toll on the Soul, for both male and female suffer extensive wounding, sacrifice and deprivation as a price for wisdom and purity. But while their purification damages the Soul, it also enables it to receive Spirit into its now impeccable energy channel, healing all wounds and finally leading to the physical union of soulmates. Yet the potential for healing Spirit is not exhausted, although the path of purging evil is: Spirit also has been vastly depleted by the Soul’s long-term lack of expression, fulfillment and pleasure, and thus remains in need for love and revitalization. As there is no more evil to purge, Spirit is now healed by means of the Soul’s immersion into the highest vibrations of pleasure and fulfillment, rather than the fighting of evil. This new way of rising in consciousness is the proverbial paradise into which Souls arrive after death, not physical death but the death of the evil within. The Soul’s ascension into this second dimension of Spirit is symbolised by the phoenix rising from the ashes of its own destruction, and by the birth of spring following the desolation of winter.