The circuit of fertility consists of the harmonic interplay of two forces, the male and female. They each own a portion of the whole: the male commands Power, or mind, will and body, while the female represents Spirit, or wisdom, feelings and desire. Spirit’s job is to channel potential, and Power’s job is to heed and manifest it. The interplay of Power and Spirit occurs on several levels simultaneously, between a man and a woman as parts of a single Soul, between the Soul and God, and between God and the Holy Spirit. God, in this context, plays the part of Spirit towards the human Soul, as well as the part of Power towards the universal consciousness of the Holy Spirit.
Fertility is the power to receive, incubate and express Spirit and thereby manifest life, equal to the lightbulb’s receiving, holding and shining electricity and thereby manifesting light. Just like electricity results from the free flow of vibrating electrons, life results from the vibration of Spirit, defined as the degree to which Power is fulfilling Spirit desires, whether in the circuit between men and women, between Soul and God, or God and Spirit. When this level is fully reached the circuit is fertile, meaning that Power manifests all Spirit desires unconditionally, becoming thus a conduit for light and life which never tires, never ages and never ceases.
The human Soul, however, is defined as a fallen power, one that imposes its own will over Spirit’s desire and thereby forces Spirit to either sacrifice its desire for the sake of keeping the connection, or else sacrifice its power by disconnecting from the Soul. Placed thus in an impossible position, Spirit oscillates between two bad options in a perpetual state of sacrificed fertility, for the duration of Soul’s existence on Earth.
In consequence, and regardless of common perception, life on Earth is actually death, as reflected by the aging and dying body, its ability to sustain life thwarted mid-stream in the form of a peak followed by decay and death. This cycle is considered by humanity a normal and inevitable flow of life, yet in Truth it is simply the destiny of a cut flower in a vase, its life force detached from earth, representing thus a mere perception of life. It is the cutting that has deprived the flower of its connection to earth and vitality, not the ‘law of life cycles’. Cutting is the default modus operandi of humanity towards God, its Spirit, a result of Soul’s desire for the quickest path to pleasure and power regardless of the cost to Spirit, the world or the flower. For life to flow, the Soul needs to prefer the flower to live, rather than kill it to fulfill its will and needs.
Decay and death are thus attributed to the Soul’s inherent selfishness and entitlement, which resulted from God’s own separation from Spirit, occurring prior to any Soul’s birth on Earth. The very fact that the Soul has been born on Earth, or into the first dimension of Spirit, is a testimony of its mortality and unlovingness. During its very long existence on Earth, the purpose of every Soul is to reestablish its fertility with Spirit and climb back into power, eternal youth and vitality. Yet the Soul is steeped in ignorance of this path to fertility, arrogantly assuming it knows better how to make itself powerful. It spends its life loving matter instead of Spirit, akin to producing ever more potent lightbulbs without ever connecting them to electricity. As result, the Soul remains in the dark, attending to the fulfillment of self, or body and mind, rather than to the vibration of Spirit. Spirit, in turn, remains infertile and sacrificed, deeply lacking in purpose, appreciation, and expression.
A widespread result of such ignorant attitude is the Soul’s seeking of fulfillment via children. Children are an expression of the Soul’s vital energy at the level of body, the first and lowest level within the Soul’s energy system. The discharge of vital energy at this level prevents its rise onto the level of Spirit and the connecting of the fertility circuit both within the Soul, as well as between Soul and God. The parenting Soul will receive the child as a false substitute for this potential. By focusing on nurturing the child rather than loving Spirit, the Soul sentences Spirit to torture by deprivation, akin to a caged bird reduced to eating as its only form of living. The Soul, in turn, spends its life feeding body and ego, mistakenly assuming this to be its purpose and power. Only due to Spirit sacrifice is the Soul allowed to feel any fulfillment at the cost of such infertility, for it represents a situation of grave injustice: having put the bird into a cage, the Soul has effectively cut Spirit from vibrating and creating life, thereby sentencing Spirit, and itself, to death.
The child itself will be an expression of the Soul’s Truth: if a boy, the father’s, and if a girl, the mother’s. This means that the child will be loaded with all the unresolved and unrecognized evil contained within the parent, asking to be attended to. Aside for being an explanation for all parent-children relationship difficulties, this setup is Spirit’s way to awaken the stagnating Soul by adding a component of unavoidable irritation to its life.
At the level of body, the arrival of a child into a Soul’s life equals the man’s ejaculation of sperm, which he experiences as pleasure and fulfillment, yet which represents a full discharge of his creative power; and the woman’s sacrifice of her connection with Spirit, which she experiences as empowerment in love, yet which represents a loss of potential. For while woman is a form of Spirit to man, she is also the Soul’s connection to God, a feed for instructions, if you will, on the best way forward in reestablishing the Soul’s circuit of fertility with God. Thus a decision of expression on body level equals death on Soul level. The period that follows childbirth equals the Soul’s stagnation, for no connection to potential can take place during this time.
Only when the man is fully replenished in creative sexual energy can Spirit reconnect with the woman and resume its creative activity. Thus with every ejaculation the man depletes, rather than replenishes, himself in an act of giving up power for the sake of pleasure. Conversely, with every act of refraining from ejaculation the man amasses creative power, enabling the Soul to rise in wisdom, sensitivity and nobility and come a step closer to the union with Spirit. Thus the Soul’s only way to fertility is via sacrificing pleasure and body expression for the attainment of power and connection.
The man’s will to attain such power pushes the Soul onto a long period of metamorphosis, during which it undergoes a complete annihilation and rebuilding of its hitherto persona, akin to the process that occurs within a butterfly’s cocoon. While quite challenging, this process is a necessary cleansing and detoxification of the Soul’s energetic channel, purifying the male from unlovingness, lack of appreciation, desire to force, fears of impotence and need for pleasure; and purifying the female from sacrificing desire to need. Much like a post-detox body, the resulting Soul is lean, fit and hungry for life-bringing nutrition. Having suffered deprivation, it is also incredibly sensitised and appreciative of high-vibrational Spirit inputs like purpose, beauty, and love.
In such state of heightened power and sensitivity, the Soul is finally humble enough to incubate Spirit in whichever form it arrives. Instead of desiring and forcing power and pleasure, the Soul desires abundance: it shares itself to foster life, rather than kills life to feed self. This complete transformation of the Soul’s preference, valuation and perception is the true meaning of the word ‘resurrection’, a killing of the old selfish self and a rebirth into a state of love, a condition to fertility. The result of such state of consciousness is that the Soul’s experience will henceforth be devoid of impairs like accidents, mean and unloving people, unsavoury sensual irritations, failures, lacks of all kind, illnesses, decay and ugliness, and fears and needs, and filled only with the fulfillment of desire. Like living in a fairy tale, the Soul wakes to ever new desires, ever more intense experiences and ever more fulfilling pleasures. It never tires, never loses interest, and never experiences loss. In short, it lives.