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WillDesire is the way Spirit guides the Soul to its purpose and potential, helping it decide which path to choose at every crossroad in life. In its purest form, desire is always the most direct path to fulfillment, i.e. to the experience of meaning and pleasure from any engagement. However, desire is rarely pure within the Soul. Similar to toxins poured on foods during growth, the mind’s fear and greed poison feelings, allowing evil a free passage to the domination of the Soul’s will, and rendering the discerning of true desire impossible.

When defeated by fear, the Soul overrules its desire judging it too risky; when ruled by need, it craves pleasure at the cost of meaning. In both cases, the mind imposes its own solution, always in the form of sacrificing its fulfillment. Having thus forced a safer or more pleasurable path over true desire, the Soul believes itself powerful as it begins to traverse it. Yet it has just made a “pact with the devil“, trading its Spirit for matter, or the perception of power, safety, money and pleasure, and will henceforth be gradually depleted of Spirit in all its undertakings. For desire is the Soul’s highest Truth: it delivers the wisdom that protects it from exhausting itself in futility and suffering. Choosing something other than its Truth renders a blow to the Soul’s self-worth, and sentences it to henceforth apply all its energies in proving itself worthy, rather than in reaching potential.

For example, a man who thrives on devising and implementing solutions to complex problems will enjoy his employment until the desire for growth makes him seek new paths. Instead of following the feeling of joy and passion from new engineering, architectural or technological challenges, he might feel surpassed by his career-climbing colleagues and opt for a management position with a big title and ego benefits instead. Having thus traded his love of manifestation for the need to prove self-worth, he will henceforth manage people, talk business, and engage in power fights, manipulations and force in order to protect his position and defend his value. His power and contribution to society, as well as his fulfillment, will have slipped from actively manifesting abundance (solution) to controlling irritations (management).

In Truth, he is now impotent as devoid of Spirit’s genius, and compelled to battle others for dominion over matter lest he be at their mercy and will. The lack of fulfillment amidst increasing unlovingness renders him ever more bitter, hard and empty as he walks the path of force, creating for himself negative karma for eternity.

The accumulation of such karma means that the Soul keeps incarnating mainly to endure karmic closure events rather than rise into potential, akin to living only for the sake of doing time in prison. It is a sad existence, yet one entirely self-elected by the Soul’s free will.