Reception is the Soul’s power of appreciating, protecting and loving Spirit, by virtue of which it becomes fertile. It is this power that distinguishes the Holy Grail from all other Souls, as its power allows that Spirit’s waters fill it up without any spoilage. In comparison, all other vessels are too small or else broken, causing Spirit to go to waste. Such Souls live at the level of body, using rather than receiving Spirit, as expressed in the common man’s inability to value delicacy, exquisiteness and sensitivity enough to protect them from himself, seeking to consume their holder for the purpose of pleasure instead. The consumption rather than exaltation of Spirit vulgarizes it, adding wounding to waste on the list of Soul’s karmic debts.
The full reception of Spirit implies the Soul’s awareness and appreciation of all powers of Spirit, as opposed to just its consumable traits. The four sacred powers of Spirit are captured in the Tree of Life: to create, to grow, to bear fruit and to regenerate. The power to create breathes life into all matter, enabling the manifestation of nature, animals and humans alike, as well as their life paths and experiences. The power to grow bestows evolution upon life, the urge for discovery and betterment in the service of exploring potential. The power to bear fruit is the sweetest gift of Spirit, that of expressing potential by manifesting matter, as well as experiencing pleasure from its consumption. And the power to regenerate enables the removal of outdated beliefs, decaying leaves and life-threatening disease, protecting the tree’s health and making space for new life to arise.
Humanity’s staggering rise into power and knowledge in modern times stems from the Soul’s greed for expression and pleasure, making it avert the tree’s life force into bearing ever higher quantities of fruit at ever more frequent intervals, at the cost of the core strength of the tree. The result is a growth-deprived tree, stunned in its ability to evolve a maybe different variety of fruit or adjust to environmental changes due to sheer lack of time to recuperate. Such tree is cut off from wisdom and destined to die, if not from exhaustion then from being forced to miss the evolutionary guidance that would have protected it from a future extinction. It is also utterly unloved, unprotected from pests and used by the Soul for pleasure and nourishment without regard for its wellbeing and survival, and thus slowly murdered in the process.
This parasitic behaviour of the Soul towards its Spirit is the same displayed by viruses and many species of insects on their victims, informing Souls who suffer their attacks of the kind of evil concealed within their minds. Within human relationships, this attitude is revealed in the form of potentiating women’s beauty and sex appeal at the cost of their other power, wisdom. For while beauty represents the fruit and flowers on the Tree of Life, it is wisdom that stands for the tree’s life force, its evolution and recuperation, and enables the Soul to protect itself, survive and thrive. The cultivation of this wisdom is the true power of the female, sacrificed to the male’s arrogance and forcefulness, consumed by his greed and defiled by his obtuseness.
To save its dying Tree of Life, a Soul must first put a stop to all fruit-bearing, allowing for the tree’s recuperation; then reconnect it to the tides of evolution, to enable the removal of pests and the capturing of potential; and lastly heal it with plenty of fertilizer, water and sunshine, to help it grow strong again. This process is the purification of evil from the Soul’s mind, and occurs both within a single human Soul as well as at the level of humanity. Humanity’s purification of evil is the meaning and purpose of the events commonly referred to as the tribulation: a disconnect from the pleasures of life expression, followed by the healing of Spirit.