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Redemption Souls eternally move through the circle of separation from Spirit and its three stages of infertility. Whenever a Soul returns to the exact point which hosted a manifestation of a karmic attractor field, it will undergo a karmic closure as receiver of the same experience it initially put out.

Yet while one such karmic closure event can be bad enough, it is not sufficient to extinguish the event from the Soul’s future experience. A perception of victimization and impotence now forms within the mind, and a corresponding wound of unworthiness within Spirit, perpetually manifesting the same experience into the Soul’s life by means of prompting the Soul’s reactivity in times of challenge. The effect on the Soul is akin to a pulled handbrake, keeping it stuck in repetitive loops of evil with no exit in sight, a viable definition of hell.

The state of hell refers to the mind’s inability to choose a different response to feelings of impotence lest it first release its underlying perception. For such is the coercion of perception: once in its claws there is no way for the Soul to escape, unless the mind seeks and embraces Truth about its reactivity, needs and fears. Lacking such nobility and power, the Soul’s repeated exposure to karmic suffering constitutes the mind’s willful sacrifice of body and Spirit in exchange for not having to deal with its inner Truth, i.e. for a safe and undisturbed stay within its bubble of selective cognition, its Dorian-Gray-like-perception of righteousness, self-worth and vitality. The Truth stays in the picture, as well as in Spirit, for the wholeness of Spirit is the price for such mind’s “salvation”, or redemption, from the consequences of its own evil, its unwillingness to rise to the defense of Spirit and life. In other words, the knight feeds the princess to the dragon and hurriedly leaves the scene, convinced of his safety. 

Yet such “salvation” of the mind necessarily calls for betrayal, for once the dragon has devoured the princess, it will hunger after the knight. Such choice, thus, is a gain in power only in perception; in Truth, it is a Faustian bargain leading directly to hell, for the dragon grows in body, cruelty and entitlement as result of consuming Spirit. The mind’s sacrifice of Spirit to avoid evil is therefore a self-deception, a problem brushed under the carpet until it suddenly flares up to destroy the whole house.

The murder of Jesus Christ was such redemptive choice of the Soul, for he was born into a role of Spirit in relation to humanity’s collective mind and Earth’s body. Humanity’s refusal to receive Truth and fight the dragon left him with no protection against its evil will, and forced both the death of his body as well as the sacrifice of his Spirit. In consequence, and ever since, the Holy Spirit has been deprived of God’s protection and forced into a compulsory connection with the human dragon-Soul, bringing humanity great power and knowledge, yet at the cost of its salvation. This Faustian bargain is symbolised by the cross of Spirit sacrifice, nailing Spirit to matter, or the perception of time and space, cause and effect, the validity of body senses, humanity as Gods, and its own unworthiness. 

The only way a redemption can be true is when the mind is the one doing the redeeming, by facing its inner dragon head-on and saving the princess. Humanity, however, having refused to protect Spirit and instead having crucified it, unwittingly committed suicide by feeding the dragon to invincible proportions, or at least invincible for the capacity of a human mind: nothing that humanity could do today, apart from immediately vanishing from the face of Earth, would save life from imminent extinction. 

To save life God incarnates again as Lucifer, this time in the role of mind, rather than Spirit, to humanity’s new role of matter, and for the purpose of executing the Herculean task of defeating evil. His new role of mind is made possible by a separate incarnation of the Holy Spirit itself in the role of humanity’s Spirit. This incarnation of God and Spirit out of Union is the result of humanity’s previous sacrifice of Jesus’ wholeness, and serves a dual purpose, namely that of God’s redemption of Spirit by means of purifying evil, as well as Spirit’s Judgement of Souls by means of bearing witness to evil. Upon completing redemption, Lucifer reunites with Spirit and disconnects it from humanity, ending an orgy of gluttony and depravity that has been allowed to go on for far too long.