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Reactivity is an act of force performed upon another in the effort to soothe a feeling of impotence, restore a sense of power, and right a perceived wrong. But while the underlying desire is to heal by receiving justice, such forceful action is counterproductive as defying natural energetic law. By engaging in reactivity, a Soul is in fact fulfilling its crave for power by means of violating the wellbeing of another.

It is no surprise that the Soul wants power to enforce justice for it is the greatest power of all, namely the power of God to protect and heal life. Yet the wielding of this power comes at the price of also taking full karmic responsibility for executing such force, which in God’s case demands the highest fee of sacrificing his body and Spirit in an act of redemption. In contrast, the Soul’s desire for this power, exemplified by the devil’s yearning to be ‘like Gods’, is devoid of the readiness to assume such responsibility. What the Soul wants is to eat its cake and have it, an attitude that mirrors the cancerous cell’s destructive appetite for consuming life.

While Souls have a right to justice, the act of enforcing it is based in ignorance of the Truth behind their suffering. If they could peek into all their past lifetimes and see how they have earned their lot, Souls would never feel so righteous in reactivity but rather like a common schoolyard bully. The arrogance of assuming themselves innocent and pure, or Spirit-like, entitles Souls to judge, sentence and use force against others as they ride high on the false perception of their nobility and virtuousness.

The Soul’s insistence on this perception as absolute Truth is the source of all acts of physical force, but also lies behind the less obvious mind force, in the form of entitlement to the stipulation and policing of value standards such as what constitutes success, progress, valor, beauty, power and Truth. Mind force is the cause of much pain, for a Soul’s failure to achieve in the eyes of society gives it a feeling of deep unworthiness and imposes a belief of impotence. This self-perception then awakens a need for proving self-worth, which will henceforth take ownership of the Soul’s mind, driving its choices and actions subconsciously. The need to prove its worth at all cost, symbolised by the chains and shackles that bonds the Soul to the devil, is a bona fide addiction that robs the mind of logic and reason, and makes it perceive force as the only viable path of action.

The way back to sobriety is by receiving Truth about one’s Soul, both the good and the ugly, shattering thereby the false perceptions that keep it enchained. Truth is offered at every corner and every moment of a Soul’s life, by means of ordeals, victimizations and limitations. These experiences are the mirror of lifetimes past that Spirit is holding up to the Soul, asking it to engage them in the most productive manner: by seeking wisdom about its responsibility and about the way to heal. Any other response, including denial and force, renders the experience futile, meaning that it will be served to the Soul again at some future point in the hope that it finally seizes the thread of wisdom.

Yet such repeated suffering is not the only consequence of reactivity. By engaging force and exacting justice, the Soul performs karmic closure on the other in a way that might get him off too easily: if left to true justice of God’s device, the other might possibly need to suffer a lot more for the closure than exacted by the reactive Soul. By coming in between the perpetrator and God, the reactive Soul neutralizes the karmic law and effectively robs God of his power to uphold justice. Furthermore, not only has the Soul missed its learning opportunity, but it added new evil to its lot. In a major snowball effect, reactivity multiplies the karmic load of the Soul to an unmanageable level, keeping it in the dense forest of victimization seemingly for ever. Or at least for as long as Spirit is still able to heal the Soul, which involves suffering all this evil in the Soul’s stead and not succumbing to the wounds. When this is no longer possible, i.e. when Spirit’s redemption of this evil would kill it, the Soul will be given up and rendered Souldead.