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SharingSharing is the Soul’s transfer of energy to another, loaded with the intent of its will. It occurs on four levels: the sharing of Truth, or Spirit desire; the sharing of Power, or knowledge and skills; the sharing of Love, or support, caring and understanding; and the sharing of Matter, or body, stuff and connections.

The act of sharing is key in the manifestation of the Soul’s life experiences via the formation of karmic attractor fields. Sharing Truth, for instance leaving a relationship, manifests the Soul’s future healing. Sharing power, such as executing a solution to someone’s problem, manifests the Soul’s future experience of being loved, appreciated and fulfilled. Sharing love, as in supporting another in time of need, brings future abundance and protection. And sharing body and matter, say committing to another’s wellbeing, manifests the Soul’s potency and fertility.

Sharing is a masculine force, thus its enactor is always the Soul part of human, the body, will and mind, while the receptor is the Spirit part of another, his feelings and wisdom, as well as Spirit itself, the universal consciousness. Both the intent of the enactor as well as the feelings and experience of the receptors form part of the sharing Soul’s future karmic attractor field. Thus when a Soul shares matter or love with the intent of bribery as opposed to gifting, it manifests future feelings of manipulation and betrayal rather than potency into its life, whether or not the receptor is aware of the sharing Soul’s intent. Concurrently, when the Soul shares opinion (knowledge) with the intent to prove its point rather than solve another’s issue, it will have to suffer a repudiation of its feelings and a belittling of its wisdom, as opposed to an experience of appreciation.

Sharing Truth is always the desire of Spirit for both Souls, and manifests either healing or killing for the sharing Soul. It allows both the enactor and receptor to experience their wounds e.g. a rejection of intimacy brings up feelings of unworthiness in the receiving Soul and manifests the same feelings for the enactor’s future. The sharing appears to wound again, yet in Truth it represents an opportunity for healing, akin to the cutting of a puss-filled tumor. Initiating the sharing of Truth, as hurtful as it might be perceived by the receptor, is an act of love by the sharing Soul, provided its intent is to uphold Truth by shedding lies and thereby protecting life. Yet such sharing is a truly dangerous business as it exposes the sharing Soul to the other’s reactive evil in the form of defilement and killing.

Souls are aware of this danger to self and seek to avoid sharing Truth by lying, in the form of sacrifice or betrayal. This self-protective stance, however, represents the Soul’s forcing of its will over Spirit desire, and its refusal to heal by means of purging consciousness. It fosters death, rather than life, as it keeps both Souls in stagnation, engulfing them in a thick fog of illusion and robbing them of the opportunity for healing. A modern form of sharing Truth on a global scale is marketing & advertising, or the ripping open of humanity’s wounds of lack and unworthiness. However, as this is done out of the desire to feed upon others rather than purify perceptions, it represents conscious predation and the most potent form of evil. Its consequence is always souldeath.

In the case of sharing matter, Spirit values the Soul’s intent independently of the object shared and the perception of the receiver. Therefore a home-baked cake and expensive jewelry carry the same impact in Spirit’s book, that of being loved, provided this was the underlying intent. The valuation of a gift is a function of mind perception, and while a boost in feelings due to the receiver’s belief system might appear advantageous to the sharing Soul, this is a misconception. For feelings are vibration, made to react to irritations of the mind (thoughts, impressions, beliefs) as well as those of Truth (intent). Yet only those pertaining to Truth or Spirit carry karmic significance, while those pertaining to the mind do not. On the surface they appear to grease the machinery of power and connections with others, but karmically they are barren.

As sharing is the instrument of manifesting experiences, it follows that the quality of one’s intent should be the primary focus of all Souls’ deliberation and energy, rather than the manipulation of others’ bodies, beliefs and perception. Such engagement of the Soul is an act of futility, as wasteful and meaningless as the hamster running the wheel.

A transfer of energy that always manifests lack for the Soul regardless of the intent is the act of forcing another. Forcing, or the imprint of one’s will against another’s desire, can either be a conscious act of will or an act of ignorance. The conscious intent of forcing manifests immense victimization for the forceful Soul, which is greatly magnified by the Soul’s engagement in sexual relationships. The Biblical term ‘to know another’ refers to the act of sexual union with another. It is termed ‘knowing’ because it implies that the Soul gains complete awareness of the other’s wounds and thereby assumes full karmic responsibility for them. In other words, the act of sexual union invalidates the sharing Soul’s ignorance across the board, with the implication that henceforth every act of the Soul that touches upon the other’s wounds, even if done in ignorance, qualifies as an act of conscious force.

Sharing The experience of being manipulated, belittled, violated, betrayed and abused amasses Spirit wounds that go unhealed for the duration of a lifetime, and swell with puss and pain akin to a ticking time bomb. Forceful intent is the knife that pierces the wounds and elicits a response in feelings often far beyond the merit of the forceful act. When touching a wound-loaded Spirit with any amount of conscious force, even if it is forcing one’s love and wisdom on another, the Soul manifests for itself a lot more than it bargained for: an experience of deep and intense reliving of fear, rape, disempowerment, abuse and deprivation. Conscious force, thus, along with sexual promiscuity is the most dangerous weapon of self-destruction in existence.

Today’s society functions mainly on ignorance, which is based in the Soul’s acceptance of another’s force by means of sacrificing to it. When we wait in line for anything, go through checks and verifications, accept business terms of service providers and stores or enter employment, we are willing receivers of conscious force. An act of sacrifice lifts the karmic burden of the forceful Soul towards the sacrificing Soul, however not also toward Spirit. It renders Spirit unprotected from the continuous violation by others without the prospect of receiving justice or healing, a bona fide description of hell. Souls who take employment as clerks, construction workers, executioners of strategy and operations, sales executives or truly anything at all in the machinery of force not only sacrifice Spirit to others but also become enactors of force, unwittingly manifesting their own future destruction. Ignorance is a signal to Spirit that the Soul has no experience of hell and thus no means by which to form a conscious intent, or no power to execute it. It invites plenty of suffering to the ignorant Soul, so that pain and perceived injustice awaken its desire for healing.

While ignorance is easily countered in some situations, it is outside a Soul’s control in many others. For instance, if a kind clerk wraps your purchase out of the desire to be helpful, he is acting in unawareness of your desire and might in fact be applying force upon you, as well as the irritation of unwrapping at home. By omitting to seek wisdom i.e. ask you, the clerk has signed up for an experience of a good-will-turned-bad in the future. His underlying intent of love will have been invalidated by his unwitting application of force.

On the other hand, a designer of running shoes employed by a large global company has limited means of ascertaining the desires of all his internal customers and external consumers, and often no power to avoid forcing them even if such wisdom were available. His act of sharing his skills will affect all participants in the downstream chain of development, marketing, production, sales and consumption of the sneaker, manifesting a massive amount of equivalent experience for himself.

There is, in fact, no way he can completely avoid this monstrous karmic footprint of ignorance, lest he opts out of such employment all together. Left with no way out, or at least none easily attainable in today’s society, the designer thus continuously manufactures his own future experiences of irritation, impotence and power games, limitations in expression, sabotage of potential, loss of fulfillment, energy drains, bad quality and fit of matter, lack and disappointments. His conscious intent, on the other hand, will have been in most cases the earning of income and proving of worthiness. The first will manifest money and the second victimization, as it stems from forcing another’s appreciation rather than fulfilling another’s desire.

At any moment in time the human Soul is immersed in sharing and in experiencing its consequences at all levels of expression and with all humans, animals and Spirit in its life, whether consciously or unconsciously. This four-dimensional matrix of a single Soul’s karmic energy engaged in simultaneous manifestation is truly gigantic, its scenarios and implications way beyond the grasp, let alone control, of a human mind. The only path out of this labyrinth of hell is to seek and heed wisdom on the best way forward, and enact it immediately upon reception.