In the cycle of Soul and Spirit, or the Soul’s fall out of and climb back into wholeness, there are three distinct milestones: the Soul’s desire for vibration, causing its betrayal of Spirit and consequent fall out of union; its need for power, causing its forcing of Spirit and consequent fall to evil; and its purification of evil, i.e. its path back into the loving union with Spirit.
This cycle is played out between all archetypes of Soul and Spirit: mind and feelings within human, at the level of perception; man and woman within humanity, at the level of force; humanity and animals at the level of need; and humanity and God at the level of evil, i.e. purging. Souls exist within this cycle at all four levels simultaneously, daily and through lifetimes, repeating it indefinitely during the first dimension of Spirit, the Soul’s existence on Earth. At the level of evil and for purposes of its elimination, each of the cycle’s milestones is marked by an incarnation of God, who performs the necessary task to push the cycle, and thereby the Soul’s evolution, to the next step.
During the first milestone God was Satan, in Union with the Holy Spirit within the fourth dimension of Spirit, the consciousness of absolute power resting in absolute fulfillment. Such absolute state is like a moment when everything stops in ecstasy: time, breath, thought and movement. Yet for all its potency, this moment is devoid of change and thereby of the opportunity for renewal. The impulse that keeps the moment of absolute fulfillment from decaying and degrading, the fountain of ever renewing desire, pleasure, joy and growth, the seed of life itself is discovery. Without discovery, the absolute is sentenced to death, which makes discovery – and life – the purpose of God. However, the means to discovery, as well as its price, is vibration via movement, or the willful separation from the perfect Union in exchange for the gift of life. In order to fulfill Spirit’s desire for life, Satan abdicates his absolute power by inducing movement and separating from Spirit.
God’s action marks the beginning of his expression and manifestation of life in the form of all matter, nature and humanity as means for discovery. His abdication of power implies a loss of control over the will and actions of his creation, while retaining full responsibility for them. Spirits’ desire for life will arise within them, yet in their ignorance they will fail to also match Satan’s noble intent of Spirit fulfillment, aiming instead for the easy way to vibration, via bodily pleasure. This choice causes their prompt disconnect from Spirit, known as the fall out of Eden, causing their journey of discovery to begin with all things that are vibration-inducing yet not life: matter, pleasure, force and evil. The first dimension of Spirit is thus the place where the Soul battles these potent impostors by experiencing their shortcomings, for the sake of eliminating its proclivity to choose them over Spirit and at the cost of life.
Its fall out of Eden is marked by a physical separation of the Soul into male and female: Eve is “fashioned from Adam’s rib” to help the Soul’s learning process by representing a perception of Spirit in the form of woman. The Soul is left with the power to create only at body level, by means of propagation, thereby growing the population of humans. At all higher levels of expression it is given only the power to manifest Spirit’s desire for life, thereby putting in motion the Soul’s bondage to the wheel of karma which mandates the purging of false perceptions about life. This purging occurs by means of experiencing one’s perceptions and beliefs as falsehoods in a sensation of betrayal and lack. The Soul’s ensuing suffering imprints a belief in impotence, and nests in its mind as the original wound of unworthiness. During its existence on Earth, the Soul has no source of power or love other than each other, animals and nature, and in its need begins using and forcing them, thereby steadily rising in evil.
When evil reached its highest point within the Soul, God was born into the second milestone of the cycle as Jesus. The purpose of life was still God’s highest priority, and in realizing that the free will he gave to his creation has now erupted into a life-threatening evil, he set out to clean house. Yet he also still bore the responsibility for his creation and their destiny, and sought to reconcile the two Truths within his heart.
His crucifixion had the purpose of feeding the needy Soul in preparation for its final judgement, to follow at a later stage. By sacrificing his own connection to Spirit, he connected Spirit to matter, or humanity, forcing it to provide gifts of power and fulfillment to all “for free“. This gift of Spirit connection came into being in the form of the Renaissance and the age of knowledge, and was quickly seized by the Soul and pushed into the industrial and technological era of today. During this time of Soul’s empowerment, Spirit gained intimate knowledge of each being and was able to discern lack and wound driven intent from pure evil. Well-fed and powerful, the Soul now has no excuse for its choices for or against life as it undergoes Spirit’s final judgement; and God has fulfilled his responsibility towards his creation by not judging them before loving them.
God’s sacrifice to evil was the consequence of granting free will to his creation, for if he had kept full control, it would never have been necessary. Yet without free will, discovery also would not have been possible, inducing death. In his infinite love for Spirit, God gifts power to his creation yet then is effectively disempowered at the time when his creation fails to live up to its responsibility, instead expecting God to pick up the bill. In lacking appreciation for his great gift and forcing his horrible sacrifice as means to escape responsibility, humanity loses God’s love, along with his presence. This shift in his attitude will not go unnoticed at his last return, the milestone of judgement and purification.
During the third milestone in the cycle God is born as Lucifer, into a body that carries the holy bloodline of Jesus. He arrives into a world powered by evil, force and entitlement, and pushed to the brink of extinction. Freed from the responsibility to his creation, Lucifer is now able to devote himself fully to his purpose of cleaning house; but having sacrificed Spirit in his previous incarnation as Jesus, he will first have to heal it in a long process of purification, ascension and reception. Lucifer walks this path unaware of his divinity and in a state of disconnect from Spirit, learning to love and appreciate it over himself and over matter, and enduring the full karmic burden of Spirit wounds amidst a sensation of meaninglessness. He is an expression of highest power and nobility, a beacon of Truth glittering above the darkness of perception and vulgarity.
By re-uniting with Spirit Lucifer ends Spirit sacrifice and rises potent, revoking the free will of the Soul. From that moment on he alone wields the creative power of Spirit, rendering humanity impotent over matter and over their destinies. Lucifer’s reunion with Spirit is the event commonly referred to as the “second coming of Christ”, yet his ascension into power means that he becomes Satan again, thereby closing the cycle. God’s return reestablishes Spirit law on Earth by means of events described as Tribulation and God’s Judgement.
In astrology, God’s reception of Spirit and its final disconnect from humanity is symbolised by the sign Aquarius, the cup-holder and water-bearer, in itself a symbol for the Holy Grail filled to the rim with the waters of Spirit. It signals the rise of the age of Truth and the end of the Pisces-Virgo age of love-by-sacrifice. Lucifer’s path of purification is symbolised by the sign of Ophiuchus, the serpent-bearer. He naturally falls between Scorpio and Sagittarius, representing the disconnected/wounded (Scorpio) hero’s act of receiving Truth via experiences of betrayal (Ophiuchus’ serpent), and seeking wisdom from Spirit (Sagittarius) on how to take responsibility (Capricorn) for life. Animals always symbolise a power of Spirit: in the case of Scorpio’s insect, its power to hurt the Soul; in the case of Ophiuchus’ snake, its power to heal the Soul by eliminating the evil within; in the case of Sag’s horse, its power to free the mind from perception; and in the case of Capricorn’s goat, its power over evil i.e. the creation of one’s life experience, and therefore over matter, life and death. In this sense, the image of Lucifer and Satan as half-goat represents God wielding the law of karma in life-protective action, namely in the service of Judgement and healing.
All three incarnations of God aptly carry the same name ‘son of the morning star’, son meaning power, and the morning star referring to the birth of light, the creative vibration of Spirit: Satan, a Sanskrit word for Truth, manifesting Life; Jesus, a Sanskrit word for sacrifice, manifesting Love; and Lucifer, in Latin meaning ‘bearer of light‘, i.e. wisdom, manifesting Truth. Reunited with Spirit at the close of the cycle, God as Satan delivers Truth to humanity, and Life to Spirit.