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Souls often look at others who are successful, wealthy and powerful and feel the sting of their own shortcomings, believing that if only they too had such minds, connections, opportunities or skills they would be enjoying the same success. Yet there are plenty of cases whereby the bearer of seemingly highest potential, the most intelligent, educated and capable Soul, just does not seem to make it. Others look at such Soul wondering what went wrong, attributing its failure to some hidden psychological issue, or concluding that they must have overestimated its worth after all. Yet the Truth is more complex than this.

The Soul’s talents, skills, vision and intelligence are its toolbox of powers to use in the building of its abundance. Yet the availability of these powers alone does not guarantee the attainment of wealth and power: the Soul’s worldly success or failure is primarily conditioned by its willingness to use force to manifest matter, or rather, its valuation of the accrual of matter and power as a worthy enough purpose for engaging force.

Should the Soul’s sensitivity and nobility be high, its aversion to force and preference for Spirit over matter will sabotage its manifestation of wealth and power in our force-driven world, despite the presence of great intelligence. Such Soul will cope with failure by seeking relief in sensual pleasures, consuming Spirit until such time when the pain of impotence makes it turn within for healing. In contrast, Souls of low nobility who crave matter above Spirit and have not yet been sensitized to using force will achieve their worldly goals, however only at the cost of their future undoing. Their unimpeded successes will boost their arrogance and entitlement to force, making them in turn use it in ever increasing measure. The falling of insensitive Souls into the trap of force is the way life ensures its survival, as the karmic backlash will reach its most destructive intensity in this scenario.

Therefore, the worldly success and failure that humanity sees with its eyes and interprets with its mind is but a perception, an illusion. In Truth, the failing of the noble Soul protects it from creating heavy karmic loads, as it does not need to be sensitized to force any further. Instead, its wounded self-worth pushes it to receive Spirit in its fullness, by learning to appreciate its wisdom and not only its pleasure-giving and vibration-rising powers. And the insensitive Soul, by being seduced to manifest its own future suffering and destruction, is given a lesson in sensitivity and nobility, learning to appreciate life and Spirit above matter and power.

Both Souls have the exact same potential, namely that of purging evil from their energetic systems, yet are at different levels of learning, much like two students in the same school belonging to different age groups. The lessons of life appreciation represent the most basic level at school, compared to the more advanced lessons of Spirit appreciation. Thus the apparently failing Soul is in consciousness superior to the seemingly more potent one.

The potential of purging evil, i.e. the Soul’s lack of appreciation for life and Spirit, is Spirit’s desire for all beings on Earth, meaning that there is not a single Soul outside of school or with a different potential, such as amassing wealth and power. Living on Earth equals experiencing evil for the purpose of learning. Any action by the Soul to avoid experiencing evil or avoid learning from it is futile, for the only way to rid oneself from suffering is by graduating from school, or in Soul terms, by uniting with Spirit in a circuit of fertility. Then, experiencing endless vitality, potency, power and pleasure will replace purging evil as Spirit’s reigning desire for the Soul. Until such time, though, all Souls will necessarily suffer disruptions on their paths, served as learning opportunities for their evolution and not as acts of violation aimed to destroy them.