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EvilSpirit is a single entity, much like the sea, but the infusion of all life-forms by its drops creates the appearance of individual and separate Souls, akin to fingers on one hand. This appearance exists only at the level of body and mind, however, and is called the perception of separation; at the level of Spirit all is one, namely love, or else its absence, evil. The perception of separation, or ignorance of one-ness, makes Souls seek to enrich their individual selves at the cost of other beings and nature, while every such action invariably wounds the wholeness of Spirit and prompts its self-healing. The seeking of power at the cost of love is thus the Soul’s original sin against Spirit and life, and the elimination of this striving every Soul’s only purpose for existence.

The level of consciousness in the Soul is defined as the level to which the mind is free of life-threatening tendencies, i.e. potent in receiving Spirit and defending it from wounding. As love equals life, the absence of love equals death, for life is only ensured at the level of fullest reception of Spirit, or the highest level of consciousness. Any absence of love and concurrent presence of evil therefore defines the Soul as dying, because as long as the mind is susceptible to greed, need and fear, it is also sure to force, betray and wound Spirit, and in turn invoke Spirit’s self-healing karmic backlash. 

Spirit’s self-healing mechanism gives rise to the Soul’s experiences of suffering as a reflection of its evil within, serving as case-studies for the Soul’s rise in consciousness. The mind’s job is to work out the case-study by seeking wisdom from its feelings of suffering, rather than shut them down in reactivity and mend its discomfort via pleasure. By doing so, the mind will have killed the messenger, its feelings, refused to heal life from evil and instead proceeded consuming it until there is no more. The Soul’s insistence on existing in such way is testimony to the greatest evil of all, namely an entitlement to predation equal to the modus vivendi of cancer, and ties the Soul to an eternal reliving of the same destructive experiences with no salvation in sight, a well-known definition of hell.

Destruction suffered by the male part of Soul, or men’s matter, minds, bodies and self-worth, is always an opportunity for its elimination by learning. In contrast, suffering inflicted on his feelings and his female soulmate is always the consequence of his rejection of responsibility for his evil, and for the healing of life. Thus all force and deprivation enacted on men’s feelings and women’s matter, minds, bodies, feelings and self-worth represents the male’s evil karma being endured by Spirit rather than fought by the mind. 

EvilThis situation is described in the biblical story of Lot, who throws his concubine to a rape-gang in order to save his skin. In doing this, he has added Spirit defilement and killing to the list of his karmic debts, on top of the now still unresolved evil that caused the rape-gang experience to begin with. Such head-in-the-sand maneuver can only work for as long as Spirit is able to endure all this evil, and still function. Once Spirit succumbs, however, the male’s protection ends, inducing a full destruction and desecration of his body, self-worth and power. Having refused to fight the dragon while it was still relatively small, he will now be impotent in the face of a full-grown fierce and angry adult.

Had he chosen to undergo the ordeal himself, he would have prevented the snowballing of his karmic burden, while his defilement would have manifested a karmic debt for the rape-gang to work off in the future. In addition, his act of worthiness in protecting Spirit would have granted him access to wisdom, i.e. Truth about his responsibility and thus a way to eliminate this evil for good by growing in consciousness. It follows, then, that the proverbial dragon-fighting knight is not just a romantic fable, but a recipe for the Soul’s release from suffering: by courageously tackling evil head-on and saving the princess, the knight both eliminates evil as well as prevents its renewed creation. The result is a cleared trail out of hell.

Evil thus is not to be sought in ghosts, demons, feelings, women, cats, goats nor snakes, but in the weakness and unlovingness of the mind that is incapable of restraint from using and damaging others to fill itself, and that then seeks to avoid responsibility based on its perceived entitlement. In doing so, the mind becomes a home for evil and human the antichrist himself, his number “the number of a man” or 666, symbolic for the sixth mind chakra disempowered by its three mortal sins against life: sacrifice, betrayal and killing. When such mind acquires large power, wealth and influence, it will inflict immense harm on the wholeness of life. This is the evil that will run rampant during the time termed as Tribulation, and it is such and like minds that will make themselves the agents of karmic justice upon humanity.

Yet when wise, appreciative, noble and loving, the mind becomes the most potent entity in the universe. It becomes God, or the power to create, instead of consume, life. Such mind adapts body to changing environmental requirements, ensuring species’ survival and thriving. It channels desires for abundance into ideas and solutions, manifesting technological and medical advancements to the benefit of all, and without cost to nature. And it receives highest inspirations of meaning and purpose from Spirit, expressing them as nobility, art, music and stories.

Without such noble mind of God, Spirit has no way to survive, no way to evolve, and no one to give life, beauty, meaning and fulfillment to. And equally, without Spirit, God can only manifest by force and at the cost of life, leaving him with nothing to strive for, nothing to hold in reverence, no way to be winged, inspired or fulfilled, and nobody to be loved by. Spirit and God are thus bound in a circle of eternal life, symbolised by all complementary pairs in existence, woman and man, love and power, night and day, moon and sun, yin and yang, and by the heavens and earth: one can neither survive nor thrive without the other.