Deprivation results from the Soul’s inability to connect with Spirit for the fulfillment of desires and protection from suffering, and its consequent need for matter as a substitute power. Its perception of impotence imprints a wound of unworthiness upon the Soul, inducing it to seek ways to prove its worth rather than seek ways to connect to Spirit. This insistence on walking the wrong path is ubiquitous, for there is not one human alive today without this wound in their Souls.
Those whose lifetime’s purpose is to work on the wound feel it ardently and battle their pain. Those who do not feel the wound and are in no way limited in their life paths by it are those who enjoy the dubious benefit of Spirit sacrifice, allowing for their unabridged yet unwarranted successes and achievements. Their lush circumstances add to the perception of injustice, dismay and pain of wound-fighting Souls. Yet their wound, unhealed and unworked on for the duration of Spirit sacrifice, is still there, pulsing beneath the unaware and utterly unprepared mind like a time-bomb ready to detonate at any time. When it does, it will shatter the illusion of the potent and powerful self into a pile of misery and victimization.
The wound is a perception of the mind formed during an experience of unlovingness. This perception undermines the Soul’s belief about its worthiness, or being loved for who one is rather than for what one does. A wounded self-worth will drive the Soul to prove itself special by validating its worth in the eyes of society, meaning that it will aim to do whatever society deems special, and feel worthy and powerful only when and as long as it has reached its standards. Such is the striving of women for beauty and of men for social power, both extremely convincing carrots for the race-running dog, the Soul. Yet this way to worthiness is nothing more than the supplication of love from others by means of catering to their judgements and expectations at the cost of one’s true desires. It means that the dog ignores the cat on the side of the track and instead chases a piece of orange-colored plastic in a race against a machine that he can never hope to win, for the purpose of his owner’s pleasure or enrichment.
A self-worth wound thus makes the Soul into a string-puppet, needing perception rather than fulfillment, or matter rather than Spirit, a path that leads to a life of consuming instead of creating. It breaks the Soul’s connection to Spirit and reduces its power to the sphere of matter, or working within the box of what already is, such as the carrot race track. Spirit, in contrast, delivers power from outside the box, from what is still in potential, in the form of a cat, or innovation, inspiration, and creativity. Yet the needy or fearful Soul keeps sacrificing the potential of a fun chase with real opportunity for discovery, success and potency, sentencing itself to a Sisyphus-like slaving to futility instead.
When others irritate its wound and fail to satisfy its need for love, the disconnected Soul will fall into force as means to ensure its wellbeing, creating the archetype of bully. If unable to use force it will resort to treachery, offering itself to others in exchange for fulfillment and creating the archetype of prostitute.
With a forceful Soul, Spirit is deprived of safety and wholeness as a target of bullying, rape and violation. With the traitor, Spirit is safe from bullying but used as a means to get love from others in all conceivable forms: at the level of body as providing all kinds of services; at the level of feelings as feigning love; and at the level of Truth as doing things against desire. Both the forceful and the treacherous Soul spend all their life energy on ways to feed their gaping need rather than connect to the power of Spirit, which is the same as preferring to rob or beg for money rather than earn one’s living. As Spirit *is* the Soul’s life energy, its abuse by the Soul deprives and hurts Spirit while manifesting only lack and evil, akin to the privation that would reign if all begged and robbed and no one worked.
While in today’s societies such anarchy and lack is not manifested due to Spirit’s sacrifice to the Soul, it is the reality at the level of Spirit, reflecting the true condition of the human Soul as opposed to its worldly perception of safety and affluence. Once these two realities collide, perception will be ruthlessly destroyed by Truth, and all Soul-level beggars and robbers deprived of their ability to use Spirit for abundance, safety and power, or indeed for anything at all. Their life-energy, hitherto so abundant as to be deemed unworthy of special care, will become the most scarce and precious fluid in the universe, bestowed only upon those worthy in the eyes of Spirit.